Hymenoplasty: Reconstruction of the hymen - "Bringing back to virginity"

Hymenoplasty: Reconstruction of the hymen - "Bringing back to virginity"
Hymen or also known as the hymen is a thin layer / mucous that surrounds or partially covers the mouth of the vagina. Many who thought that the hymen is in the vagina. Not! hymen located outside the vagina near (1-2 cm) from the genital lips. The hymen is a thin layer of tear and easy to experience. These layers are, as vaginal mucosa, also has blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, a tear in the hymen is often accompanied by bleeding and pain.

The hymen is not envisioned as a total membrane covering the vagina, but it is a membrane that is shaped like a ring that has a hole in the middle. The point is to drain the menstrual blood of the womb. It's just a big hole and can vary in shape, some resembling a crescent moon or like a sieve. In the event of disturbance growth genital abnormalities are occasionally found in which the membrane as a wall covering a total of the vagina is also called an imperforate hymen that will lead to menstrual disorders during puberty.

In children, the hymen is still thin and almost translucent. then, in children, the hymen is more prone to tears, mainly due to sports such as horse riding, cycling, or gymnastics.

After puberty, due to the influence of estrogen hormones, the hymen will be slightly thickened and pink. Usually at first intercourse experience the hymen will tear. But keep in mind that the thickness, shape, and elasticity of the hymen varies in every woman.

More recently developed surgical techniques to repair the hymen is already torn. Whether by accident or because of sexual relationships. Hymenoplasty surgery technique is called.

Hymenoplasty goal is to restore the hymen as it was before the tear. Usually done for reasons of moral, cultural or social.

Hymenoplasty including minor surgery. Generally it can be done within approximately one hour, depending on the level of kesulitannya.Biasanya performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia when necessary and can be performed as an outpatient / day-care.

Dr. Prima Progestian, SpOG of the UB Women and Children Hospital in Jakarta suggests there are two kinds of Hymenoplasty surgery techniques, namely simple and alloplant Hymenoplasty. Simple Hymenoplasty done if only suffered a torn hymen and there are still remaining. In the torn part, infibulation is performed (reaproksimasi), usually with a yarn that can be absorbed, so the hymen back to its original shape. However, if the hymen has been severely damaged or lost so it is no longer possible sewn, with engineering operations alloplant. In alloplant, conducted the installation of artificial hymen.

Before surgery the patient consultation and examination of content in general. This can be done at the time of discussion about the benefits and risks that can be experienced during surgery. Healing can take place within 1 to 6 weeks and time of intercourse performed within 4-6 weeks after surgery.

Hymenoplasty: Gifts surprises on the day of love (Valentine's day)

Hymenoplasty: Gifts surprises on the day of love (Valentine's day)
In some newspapers, magazines, internet, radio in the United States and Europe, in recent years raised the "boom" hymen repair action or "Hymenoplasty" (if this term is converted himenoplasti bahasakan). Or also known as the "hymen rejuvenation" or "revirgination". This action usually plural performed by the women from the Middle East and Latin America because of social customs and culture that emphasizes the importance of virginity when entering the world of marriage.

Himenoplasti increasing trend in women in France, Germany, Canada including the United States delivered by Esmeralda Vanegas, owner of the Ridgewood Health and Beauty Center in New York, that "Demand himenoplasti increased to five patients each bulannya.Hymenoplasty done to please a husband or partner because knowing that her partner wanted to make out with a virgin "said Cuban-born woman. In the United States, some women do revirginasi as a way to improve sexual life, felt a "second honeymoon" and even given as gifts valentine day gift for her husband and partner!

Jeanette Yarborough, a nurse from San Antonio, Texas, United States, said that he did Hymenoplasty, as a special gift for her husband on the 16th wedding anniversary. "I'm no longer a virgin when she got married and I do not think there's nothing better than revirginasi" said The 40-year-old mother told the AFP news agency. I want memberikah a sentimental gift and it turned out her husband was so touched!

In some tribes, women's hymen can affect marriage prospects, the reputation of their families or even someone's life. Virginity at marriage is worth the religious, social and even ekonomi.Di many Mediterranean and African cultures, the family man is violent revenge and punishment for the bride who is not a virgin who had humiliated their families. So Hymenoplasty considered a "necessity" for social status, happiness and even saving their lives.

How about Hymenoplasty in Indonesia? I see the same trend. Socio-cultural issues still dominate the desire to revirginasi. In fact his actions are not only related to "repair" the hymen, but also the overall female genitalia.

Medically a woman can be taken on genital reconstruction when the physical have a complaint, such as small genital lips (labia minora) are very prominent, causing injury and pain during dressing, the presence of congenital abnormalities of the genitals or the emergence of a complaint to defecate or urinate .

Hymenoplasty is one of the reconstruction action in female genitalia. Medically, there is some kind of genital reconstruction, among others: vaginoplasty performed on women who have congenital abnormalities which do not have a vaginal opening, thus requiring a "hole" to get in touch with her husband made when they wanted to get married. There is also action to shrink the genital lips (labia majora or labia minora) or Labiaplasty performed on women who feel pain or irritation due to excessive growth of pubic lips.

Done tightening of the vaginal cavity or the front or back causing problems urinating or defecating because of prolapse of the bladder or rectum into the vagina (cystocele or rektokel). Vaginoplasty or automatic kolporafi action will strengthen the pelvic muscles and vagina becomes narrower. So the end result which has resulted in more harmonious relationships and sexual pleasure is a "side effect" arising from genital reconstruction efforts due to medical factors.

Nevertheless rejuvenation action sex organs of non-medical indications to improve the confidence and there is no ban cosmetics done. The act of reconstruction, renovation or rejuvenation as Hymenoplasty, Vaginoplasty, clitoral hood reduction (clitoroplexy) can be either local or general anesthesia and requires no hospitalization. Its action is not a big oeprasi although it takes special skills to do it.

Action of this reconstruction can be done in Indonesia, so no need to Singapore, Bangkok, India, France, the United States or other countries. So to get the comfort, confidence and satisfaction of having sex even to give a surprise gift for her husband to a "second honeymoon" do not have to waste foreign exchange.

Overcome the pain when having sex with Labiaplasty

Overcome the pain when having sex with Labiaplasty
Do you ever feel the complaint on the sex organs when wearing underwear or during intercourse? Consider the genital lips (labia minora) you, whether the cause of the complaint.

The labia minora (small lips / mouth in) is closing the vaginal lips that lie inside. Normally the labia minora are covered by the genital lips bigger the outside (labia majora). In a state may have an enlarged labia minora (labia hypertrophy). The labia minora are larger and protrude past the labia majora. This enlargement can be caused by a congenital condition, the effect of excessive stimulation such as masturbation, obtained after pregnancy and childbirth, obesity or because of the aging process. Enlargement can occur symmetrically on the right and left lip or protruding on one side only.

Enlarged labia minora can cause pain or discomfort when wearing underwear or tight clothing, activities such as exercising, protruding out when wearing swimwear, gymnastics, even in pain during intercourse. In addition it is often women do not feel confident with the appearance of sex organs is less than perfect.

"If there has been physical and emotional complaints from an enlarged labia minora reconstruction is feasible to be done to improve the shape and size known as Labiaplasty surgery," according to dr. Prima Progestian, SpOG of the UB Women and Children Hospital Jakarta. Labiaplasty actions should be performed on women who have grown up. If the enlargement is found in childhood is best to wait until the age of 18 because of the sex organs are still in the process of growth and development.

Labiaplasty action can not only shrink the lip in the genital but also reshape the labia and create a more natural appearance. So that the labia minora protrude and become better cover the vagina. Finally, the perceived physical complaints disappeared and restore a sense of comfort and confidence.

The operation is performed through a local or general anesthesia / total if desired. Old action may take approximately one hour. Patients can go home the same day. After surgery the patient can perform light activities as soon as possible. But intercourse can be resumed after six weeks.

At the time of labiaplasty surgery is sometimes done also others such as Vaginoplasty or reduce excess foreskin clitoris that is sometimes disturbing sensation and sexual pleasure.

Information and consent Hymenoplasty, Labiaplasty, Vaginoplasty, Clitoral hood resection

Information and consent Hymenoplasty, Labiaplasty, Vaginoplasty, Clitoral hood resection

I, understand that the indication (Hymenoplasty, Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hood Resection, vaginoplasty) ** is an indication of social

As has been explained by my doctor:

I understand though surgery Hymenoplasty, Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hood Resection, vaginoplasty is a very safe procedure and this action is the category of minor surgery, complications can occur even if performed by an experienced medical team. Doctors have been discussing with me about the indications, procedures, and complications of the healing process. We agree that surgery is the best choice for my situation.

I understand that complications may occur during and after surgery. Such as: bleeding, hematoma (blood clots), infection, numbness, tingling, pain and anesthesia complications and medication side effects that may occur.

I understand that the possibility emerged ex / marks on the location of operations and operating healing results are different for each person, ie not bleeding in post Hymenoplasty, excessive sensitivity in the clitoral surgery.

Signed doctors, patients, witnesses

Variations in anatomy and shape of the hymen

Hymen or also known as the hymen has historically been regarded as a marker of female virginity. Hymen is taken from the name of god of marriage in ancient Greece. In some regions and cultures virginity is still considered an important value that symbolizes chastity of women. Purity can result in tearing of exclusion until the death of a woman. In a remote tribe in Australia is a culture to tear the hymen of a bride a week before her wedding by an elder woman. If found then the woman's hymen had been torn into gossip material, even the death penalty.

According to medical tearing of the hymen as well because of the trauma / injury due to first sexual intercourse, can also be caused due to masturbation or vaginal tampons to accommodate the installation of menstrual blood, the presence of excessive strain during exercise, gymnastics, falls hit the handle on the bike, on horse races or can be torn without any cause.

Hymen anatomy 150x150 Anatomy and Shape Variation membrane Dara

Hymen anatomy picture

The hymen is a thin layer such as mucous membrane which surrounds or covers the outside of the vagina. The hymen is a part of the external genitalia (vulva). Until now the function of medical hymen is not known exactly when the baby is likely to function protects it from dirt and bacteria that may enter. The location of the hymen is very close to the mouth of the vagina and protected / covered by the labia minora from the outside.

In newborns, while still under the influence of maternal hormones, the hymen is shaped thick, pale pink, stand out and folded. Often not yet formed a hole in the membrane. For two to four years of life, infants begin to produce the hormone estrogen stimulates the opening of channels that tend to form rounded hymenal ring (annular). Hymenal opening diameter of approximately 1 mm for each year of age. The opening of these channels is different for each woman depending on her hormonal influences. The function of the hole in the hymen is to drain the blood of menstruation. By the time a girl reaches school age, this hormonal influence has been stopped and the hymen becomes thin, smooth, soft, elastic, almost translucent and very sensitive to touch. Hole hymen in women varied size, usually only be bypassed by the little finger without destroying it. In women who have given birth vaginal hymen will be broken and only settled down the rest alone. (Karunkula mitriformis)

So do not be imagined as the hymen is a wall covering a total of vaginal opening. Rather like a thin membrane with holes in the walls.

When the hymen is torn for the first time can be marked with a little discharge of blood and pain. Sometimes it can spend a lot of blood if the tattered pieces widened. Bleeding and pain is normal and will soon disappear. But not always trauma to the hymen menimbulan bleeding. In an elastic hymen bleeding is often not the case. So that the sanctity of a woman should not be solely characterized by bleeding or not at the time of first intercourse.

Get a pregnancy without tearing the hymen?

Keep in mind also that pregnancy can occur without tearing the hymen or without penetration. In the fertile period, women spend a lot of watery mucus so that sperm can move into the uterus easily. So although it is still coated pants sperm can still penetrate. Or when there is direct contact between the penis with the lips of the vagina / vulva sperm can still move inside.

Variations of the hymen

Type annular hymen hymen is a form that is perfect. Type called annular because the full round shape like a ring and form most commonly found.

Annular Hymen Anatomy and Shape Variation 150x150 membrane Dara

Hymenal septum type because of the septum or membrane that forms a bridge to the mouth of the vagina for making holes that are not perfect.
Hymenal type crescent. Ring-shaped incomplete bulatannya.
Type the hymen is seldom found where the shape of the lips of the vulva. Interruption occurs during the formation of holes.
Hymen with Fimbia type is characterized by irregular pattern (irregular) on the walls.
Hymenal type dentikuler because patterned like teeth around the hole hymen.
Hymenal subseptus type. Hymen is a rare type. Shaped like the septum but not full (similar shape to the child's throat)

Variations group hymenal membrane Dara Anatomy and Shape

Hymen abnormalities that require surgical repair

Known as the hymen kribiformis characterized by many small holes like a sieve. Often found difficulties in sexual relationships and require surgery for correction.
In some of the girls found only a very small hole (like pin needles). Can lead to difficulty in sexual relations even require surgery to widen the hole.
Hymen that does not have holes or imperforate hymen. Usually found in newborns. If the hole is not formed until the adults there will be disturbances in menstruation. Found at 1 in 2000 women. In women must be taken to make the channel hymen surgery.

Anatomy and Shape Variation imperforate hymen

Anatomy of the hymen with a history of trauma (sexual intercourse, tampon use, masturbation) before

Form of the hymen in women who are torn during sexual intercourse the first time. Visible tear in the back of the clock 4,5,7,8.

Broken Hymen Anatomy and Shape Variation 150x150 membrane Dara

Hymen of women who masturbate deep into the vagina (internal) or in women tampon users. Change shape and sometimes found a torn hymen.
Hymenal form that was almost lost in women who had vaginal childbirth.

Secrets to increase sensation and sensitivity of the clitoris

Secrets to increase sensation and sensitivity of the clitoris
Clitoris in women is one organ that has a sensitivity and sexual arousal are high. At a constant stimulation can cause pleasure is incomparable (orgasme clitoris).

But sometimes the woman does not feel or reduced sensitivity of the clitoris. This could be due to excess tissue covering (prepuce) of the clitoris. The reason is that innate, not the opening of the foreskin of the clitoris, obesity or aging factors.

Samakah with female circumcision?

According to Dr. Prima Progestian, SpOG who practice in the UB Women and Children Hospital and Muhammadiyah RSIA Puring Park - both in South Jakarta, one of the ways you can do to restore sensation and sensitivity of the clitoris is the clitoral foreskin surgery downsizing (clitoral hood reduction or also known as as clitoral hoodectomy). This action is similar to the action on male circumcision. But action is not action circumcision clitoral hoodectomy in women. World Health Organization (WHO) does not advocate female circumcision done especially by cutting the entire area of ​​the clitoris and labia as practiced in northern Africa. In Indonesia the action on infant female circumcision is a way of pricking the clitoris with a needle. causing pain and can lead to bleeding and infection. This is an action that is less appropriate because the purpose of opening the foreskin can not be met simply by pricking with a needle and just hurt your baby!

Basically the skin is different from a woman's clitoris foreskin foreskin penis in men. Foreskin does not cover the total female clitoris. Its function is as a protective barrier of the clitoris so it does not need to be eliminated. However, in 50-60% of women sometimes there is excess network covers the clitoris. Excess foreskin is not the primary but secondary to the foreskin at the top and side (lateral), starting from the apex of the clitoris to the labia minora. Excess tissue is what will interfere with sensation and sensitivity to sexual stimulation. To overcome this problem needs to be streamlining of the clitoris foreskin so it will look better in cosmetics and also improve access to stimulation of the clitoris itself. In cosmetic surgery sex organs, often the action clitoral hood reduction is carried out simultaneously with Labiaplasty or Vaginoplasty to improve responsiveness female sexuality.

Clitoral hoodectomy an action that can be done in a day care (one day care). Patients can go home the same day after the action. Long range of action and a half to two hours depending on whether combined with other actions. Patients can perform light activities thereafter. Intercourse can be done after 6 weeks postoperatively.

Rejuvenate sex organs with vaginoplasty

Rejuvenate sex organs with vaginoplasty
The process of childbirth, aging, and genetic factors often cause the malfunctioning of the vagina. During labor when the baby came out through the birth canal, muscle, fascia and ligaments can experience tears and become weak and loose. Perineum and the pelvic floor muscles that also support the vagina can also experience the same thing. But apparently weak vaginal and pelvic muscles can also be experienced by women who have given birth! The reason could be due to: lack of ancillary muscle tissue (genetic), old cough, and increased abdominal cavity pressure such as heavy lifting, or obesity. The diameter of the vagina becomes larger, the loss of power tongs and control on the contraction of vaginal muscles. Eventually lead to loss of sensation and sexual pleasure. At this stage of the vagina is not functioning optimally.

This problem can lead to disturbances in self-confidence, a sense of satisfaction in intimate relationships and affects the sexual life of the household. Powerful way to fix it is to rejuvenate the vagina (vaginal rejuvenation), also known as Vaginoplasty.

Vaginoplasty is an act of reconstruction of the vagina to reshape normal vagina. Vaginoplasty action aims to reshape and tighten the muscles of the vagina, perineum and the pelvic wall so that the vagina back to its form and function "pre-pregnancy". Vaginoplasty is highly recommended even in women who experience a "decrease" abdominal organs like the bladder (cystocele), urethral tract (uretrokel), rectum (rektokel) or intestine (enterokel). Also on the complaint of incontinence in which patients can not hold the discharge of urine or feces that comes out spontaneously. The repair process as well as the perineum and vagina form the pelvic floor muscles can lead to increased arousal and sexual satisfaction for women (and men)!

Rejuvenate beforeafter1 vagino sex organs with vaginoplasty BEFORE AFTER

What is the process Vaginoplasty?

Dr. Prima Progestian, SpOG of the UB Women and Children Hospital Jakarta to explain the actions Vaginoplasty can be performed in Indonesia, no need to go abroad. Vaginoplasty done by removing excess tissue, and muscles tighten network advocates the vaginal wall, perineum and pelvic floor. This action will make the vagina into the meeting again. The operation was done by general anesthesia, but in severe cases can not be done under local anesthetic. The action takes place within one to two hours and principle, patients can go home the same day. After the patient's actions do not need bedrest, can walk and do light activities. Sometimes patients complain of mild bleeding or pain due to swelling in the area of ​​operation. But usually disappear within one or two days. During the healing process of patients are prohibited from having sex, douching or put tampons within 6 weeks after surgery

Surgery on the fetus, is it possible?

Surgery on the fetus, is it possible?
All parents must have wanted the condition of the fetus is healthy and will be born with perfect health. But there are times when the fetus does not grow normally properly. The condition can be caused by abnormalities in the fetus due to maternal age during pregnancy, paternal age is also slightly affected, the mother-father genetic abnormalities, incompatibilities maternal and fetal blood, maternal infection before and during pregnancy, and fetal congenital abnormalities.

Invasive action aims to ensure the health condition of the fetus (screening) or correct (therapy) abnormalities or disease in the fetus.

Some measures that can be done is

  1. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Action by taking a sample of fetal placenta (chorionic villus) at 11-16 weeks of gestation. Action using a small tube is inserted through the cervix and take a bit of fetal placenta.
  2. Amniocentesis. Act of taking a sample of amniotic fluid is the fetus at 16 weeks gestation. Actions performed by injecting a needle in the mother's abdomen into the amniotic cavity with usg guidance (ultrasound guided).
  3. Fetal blood sampling during labor (Fetal blood sampling). The act aims to determine the condition of the fetus is experiencing fetal distress during labor. Injection performed on the fetal head to take blood samples and performed the examination pHdarah fetus (seen in blood acidity / acidosis)
  4. Kordosintesis. The act of taking blood samples of fetuses in the umbilical cord to the fetus through the abdominal wall puncture ibu.Tindakan performed at 18-24 weeks of gestation. Usually done when CVS or amniocentesis obtained unsatisfactory results. Aiming to find out if there are fetal abnormalities, chromosomal abnormalities, fetal blood, fetal anemia, fetal infections (toxoplasmosis) and even to treat the fetus is abnormal heart rhythms (antiarrhythmic drug injection).
  5. Fetal blood transfusion. Measures taken to increase levels of iron (hemoglobin) fetuses had severe anemia because of abnormalities of the fetal blood. (Usually due to maternal blood rhesus factors that do not correspond to the fetus (Rh incompatibility) or the presence of parvovirus B19 infection
  6. Feto-amniotic shunting. Fetal surgery to correct abnormalities in the fetus. Action by installing a drain hose for a particular kind of abnormal fluid in the body cavity of the fetus. For example the fluid in the fetal chest cavity (hidrotorak), abnormalities in fetal lung adenoma cysts (cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung) urinary tract obstruction in the fetus (infravesical stenosis) and presence of fluid in the fetal abdomen (fetal ascites).
  7. Open fetal surgery (open fetal surgery) done to correct abnormalities of the fetus. Can be done openly (dissected maternal abdominal wall and the wall of the uterus, the fetus is removed partially or completely, then correction of abnormalities found. Or when it can be done using binoculars (minimally-invasive fetoscopic surgery (also known as Fetendo) by inserting a pair of binoculars associated with the camera so that it can be seen through the TV by a surgeon.

Open fetal surgery can be done:

  • Closing the gap in the diaphragm chest cavity which causes the gut into the chest cavity that interfere with the heart and lungs. (Congenital diaphragmatic hernia)
  • Treating cysts in the fetal lung abnormalities (Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation)
  • Correcting congenital fetal heart abnormalities (Congenital heart disease)
  • Closing the gap in the spine that cause nerve membrane and the bone marrow out. (Myelomeningocele)
  • Corrects abnormalities in the lungs (pulmonary sequestration)
  • Correcting the tail bone tumors in the fetus (Sacrococcygeal teratoma)
  • Closing the gap in the backbone of the fetus in cases of Spina bifida

Fetoscopy actions that can be done:

  • Arson / ablation of fetal blood vessels in the placenta in twin fetuses with abnormalities of the Twin-twin transfusion syndrome.
  • Corrects obstruction in the fetal bladder by placing a shunt in cases of Fetal bladder obstructions
  • Correct the fetal heart valve to improve blood flow (aortic or pulmonary Valvuloplasty)
  • Make a hole in the wall of the heart to drain blood (Atrial Septostomy)
  • Inserting a balloon in the fetal esophagus so that the fetus can survive (Balloon tracheal occlusion) in congenital diaphragmatic hernia disorders
  • Closing the gap in the backbone of the fetus at the Spina Bifida

Guidelines for working during pregnancy

Guidelines for working during pregnancy
Working in women who are pregnant on the circumstances and certain conditions can interfere with the development of pregnancy and the fetus. There are several things to be avoided and the ideal position at work when pregnant

Some of the conditions of work is avoided when pregnant

  • Work in the long term. Hours of work a maximum of 9 hours per day, 40 hours per week
  • Overtime (overtime)
  • night shift
  • Jobs with heavy physical load:
  • Lift the load 5 x 10 kg
  • 25 x bending
  • Stand 2 hours more
  • Runs 3 hours more
  • Go up the ladder rungs 5 × 15

Work with mental load / high stress:

  • Heavy work pressure
  • No controls and help co-workers

Ideal working position for pregnant women

  • Ergonomic seats and comfortable.
  • Sitting position is comfortable and relaxed, can prevent the widening of blood vessels in the legs.
  • Position your legs perpendicular to the feet flat on the floor relaxing.
  • Other positions that you can choose is selonjorkan legs and place a small pillow or mat as a stepping stool feet.
  • Occasionally pregnant women should stand up and walk around to keep the blood circulation is maintained smoothly
  • When taking something at the bottom, do a squat position and do not bend
  • Intersperse jobs that require a long standing body position to sitting and vice versa.
  • When standing, the average additional weight of the whole body by letting your legs slightly stretched.
  • Do not lift anything too heavy
  • Avoid up and down stairs because it can make the muscles more tense that led to the emergence of contraction prematurely
  • Be careful when coming down the stairs, the body should be leaning back and holding. With the belly, pregnant women tend to up the stairs to the position of leaning forward so that very likely fall and slip

Tips for healthy sperm and quality: Do's and Dont's

Tips for healthy sperm and quality: Do's and Dont's
Sperm quality does not come by itself. Many outside factors that affect the body. There are some simple steps that can be taken or avoided to get healthy sperm.


1) Take a multivitamin. Consume foods or supplements that contain vitamin C, vitamin C, folic acid and minerals, is an essential nutrient to produce sperm production and optimal function.

2) Eat foods rich in antioxidants. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich in antioxidants, which can help improve sperm health.

3) Management of stress. Stress can interfere with certain hormones needed to produce sperm. Stress can also reduce sexual function.

4) Do exercise regularly. Regular exercise good for reproductive health and general health. Do exercise 3-5 times per week for 30 minutes. Do not do it excessively because it actually can decrease sperm quality.

5) Watch your weight. Too much body fat may disrupt production of reproductive hormones, can reduce sperm count and increase the number of abnormal sperm.


1) Avoid smoking. Thousands of substances contained in cigarettes are harmful. Smoking can cause sperm to be deformed, moving slowly and few in number. In addition, smoking can damage your sperm DNA, may affect fetal growth and development until the risk of cancer.

2) Avoid alcohol. Drinking alcohol can reduce sperm quality and quantity. If you choose to drink alcohol, limit yourself to no more than one or two drinks a day.

3) Avoid illegal drugs. Ganja (Marijuana) can lower sperm movement and increase the number of abnormal sperm. Cocaine and opiates can contribute to erectile dysfunction.

4) Avoid exposure to excessive heat. Avoid hot work environment, bathing in the tub more than 30 minutes in water temperature? 40 C, or sauna. Effect of heat on the testicles can decrease your sperm count. Increased scrotal temperature can also decrease sperm production. Tights, long sit and use a laptop computer directly on your lap can increase scrotal temperature. Besides fever can also affect sperm production and quality.

5) Avoid riding motorcycles or for too long. Sitting in a chair more than 30 minutes each time plus if wearing tight shorts that can increase the temperature of the scrotum and affects sperm production. While you drive, frequent rest breaks.

6) Avoid lubricants during intercourse. The use of lubricants, lotions and even saliva can interfere with sperm movement.

7) Avoid certain medications. Anabolic steroids, antibiotics and certain drugs used to control chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, or inflammatory bowel disease, can reduce your fertility. Anti-androgen used to treat prostate enlargement and cancer can impair sperm production. In addition, chemotherapy drugs and radiation treatment for cancer can cause permanent sterility.

8) Beware of poison. Exposure to chemicals such as pestisidam heavy metals, industrial waste, chemical solvents can affect the quantity and quality of sperm. Use protective clothing, proper ventilation and face masks to reduce the risk of absorbing the toxins.

Research on aesthetic gynecological surgery showed satisfactory results

Research on aesthetic gynecological surgery showed satisfactory results
Aesthetic Surgery Gynecology is a branch of surgery is relatively new in the field of surgical ginekogi. Reconstruction actions aimed at female genitalia: (1) improve anatomical variation and dysfunction that arise, (2) improvement of cosmetic genital organs and (3) increasing women's sexuality.

The question that always arises is "What is the procedure with vulvovaginal aesthetic surgery Labiaplasty, Vaginoplasty / Perineoplasty (" Vaginal Rejuvenation ") and Clitoral Hood Resection give satisfactory results? "Why do women seek gynecological surgical aesthetic procedures" but it appears also the question of who should perform this procedure, and consideration of ethical factors.

In the past, there has been no clinical studies medically approved, a multicenter study that studied surgical outcomes and patient satisfaction with the action labiaplasty and other aesthetic gynecological surgical procedures.

In 2009 a multicentre study conducted by Michael P. Goodman et al, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, involved 341 gynecologic procedures aesthetic (labiaplasty, clitoral hood resection, vaginoplsty or combination thereof) on 258 different women, from 12 surgeons who perform acts in 8 states in the United States.

Research results are:

  • Most patients (75.7%) to act as an anatomical discomfort such as pain during dressing, pain during intercourse.
  • At 53.1% due to cosmetic reasons, and 32.7% wanted to increase self-confidence.
  • In patients who do Vaginoplasty caused by most sexual problems, want to satisfy your partner and feel a loose vagina. But only a small fraction (5%) do surgery because her partner wants.
  • Overall 91.6% of women are satisfied with the action during the 6-42 month follow-up
  • In 98.2% of women and 82.2% of couples experiencing sexual satisfaction after his Vaginoplasty
  • Patients who undergo labiaplasty and clitoral hood resection 97.2% expressed satisfaction
  • Very few complications occur during surgery.

Hymenoplasty Procedure - Hymen reconstruction, bringing to pre-sexual state

Hymenoplasty in Indonesia section, includes general infrmation about Hymenoplasty Procedure, Hymenoplasty Indonesia Local News, Hymenoplasty Indonesia Surgeon Locator and other Hymenoplasty related material.

Hymenoplasty Procedure

(Hymen reconstruction, bringing to pre-sexual state)

Hymenoplasty is one of the three major areas of cosmetic vaginal surgeries.
The procedure aims to correct dysfunctions and improve the woman`s hidden aesthetics.

The way a woman feels about the look and sensation in her vagina and pubic areas has a major impact on her self-esteem, her sexual desire, and her intimate relationship.

There are three major areas of Cosmetic Vaginal Surgeries, aimed to rejuvenate a woman’s sexual feeling:
• Hymenoplasty (hymen reconstruction, “bringing back to virginity”)
• Vaginal reconstruction and rejuvenation (vaginoplasty, mainly vaginal tightening)
• Labia surgery (labiaplasty, labia reduction and look improvement, correcting the size and shape of the inner and outer lips)

Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to repair or reconstruct the ring-like skin membrane partially covering the opening of the vagina (the “hymen”). Bleeding occurs when the hymen tears, which is typically the result of a woman’s first experience with intercourse. The Hymenoplasty surgery will pull the tissue back together to restore a “virgin-like” quality.

Quite rarely, a female can unknowingly tear her hymen by inserting a tampon. It may also happen during sports (e.g. - bicycles or horseback riding).

The biological function of the hymen is still uncertain, however, its social function is popularly regarded as a mythical symbol in many cultures. Therefore, qualified plastic surgeons perform Hymenoplasty at the request of women who need the surgery for ethnic, cultural, or religious reasons.

There is a growing number of patients who desire higher sexual satisfaction by undergoing the Hymenoplasty procedure, not for religious or similar reasons, but because the vaginal walls are tightened.

Hymenoplasty generally takes about one to two hours, with patients able to return to work the next day. Restoration of the hymen is done on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia or sedation. Prior to surgery, patients are required to have a pre-surgical consultation and thorough gynecological examination. During this time, she should communicate her needs and expectations to the doctor, and in turn, will learn of the possible risks and benefits to hymenoplasty.

Vaginal physiological state significantly affects a woman’s physiological state. Structure reconstruction of the vagina may well bring back the younger feel, and contribute the sexual life and self esteem improvement a woman is looking for.

Some surgeons perform procedures involving laser surgery, where others use methods such as radiosurgical techniques or scalpel techniques.

Depending on the choice of doctor and geographic location Hymenoplasty prices may range between $2,000 and $5,000.

Your doctor / surgeon will explain how long the surgery will take, the amount of time and care necessary for a full recovery, and exactly when after surgery it would be safe to resume sexual intercourse.

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Hymen is a mucosal lining that surrounds or partially covers the mouth of the vagina. These layers are, as vaginal mucosa, also has blood vessels and nerve vessels. Therefore, a tear in the hymen is often followed by bleeding and pain.

By the time a new girl enters school age, the hymen is still thin and almost translucent. Therefore, at this age, the hymen is more prone to tears, mainly due to sports such as horse riding, cycling, or gymnastics. After puberty, due to the influence of estrogen, Hymen will be slightly thickened and pink. But keep in mind that the thickness, shape, and elasticity of the hymen varies in every woman.

In some newspapers, magazines, internet, radio in the United States and Europe, in recent years raised the "boom" hymen repair action or "Hymenoplasty" (if this term is converted himenoplasti). Or also known as the "hymen rejuvenation" or "revirgination". This action usually plural performed by the women from the Middle East and Latin America because of social customs and culture that emphasizes the importance of virginity when entering the world of marriage.

Himenoplasti increasing trend in women in France, Germany, Canada including the United States delivered by Esmeralda Vanegas, owner of the Ridgewood Health and Beauty Center in New York, that "Demand himenoplasti increased to five patients each bulannya.Hymenoplasty done to please a husband or partner because knowing that her partner wanted to make out with a virgin "said Cuban-born woman. In the United States, some women do revirginasi as a way to improve sexual life, felt a "second honeymoon" and even given as gifts valentine day gift for her husband and partner!

Jeanette Yarborough, a nurse from San Antonio, Texas, United States, said that he did Hymenoplasty, as a special gift for her husband on the 16th wedding anniversary. "I'm no longer a virgin when she got married and I do not think there's nothing better than revirginasi" said The 40-year-old mother told the AFP news agency. I want memberikah a sentimental gift and it turned out her husband was so touched!

In some tribes, women's hymen can affect marriage prospects, the reputation of their families or even someone's life. Virginity at marriage is worth the religious, social and even ekonomi.Di many Mediterranean and African cultures, the family man is violent revenge and punishment for the bride who is not a virgin who had humiliated their families. So Hymenoplasty considered a "necessity" for social status, happiness and even saving their lives.

How about Hymenoplasty in Indonesia? Socio-cultural issues still dominate the desire to revirginasi. In fact his actions are not only related to "repair" the hymen, but also the overall female genitalia.

Medically a woman can be taken on genital reconstruction when the physical have a complaint, such as small genital lips (labia minora) are very prominent, causing injury and pain during dressing, the presence of congenital abnormalities of the genitals or the emergence of a complaint to defecate or urinate . Hymenoplasty is one of the reconstruction action in female genitalia. Medically, there is some kind of genital reconstruction, among others: vaginoplasty performed on women who have congenital abnormalities which do not have a vaginal opening, thus requiring a "hole" to get in touch with her husband made when they wanted to get married. There is also action to shrink the genital lips (labia majora or labia minora) or Labiaplasty performed on women who feel pain or irritation due to excessive growth of pubic lips.

More recently developed surgical techniques to repair the already torn hymen. Whether by accident or because of sexual relationships. Hymenoplasty surgery technique is called. Hymenoplasty goal is to restore the hymen as it was before the tear. Usually done for reasons of morals, culture or sosialHymenoplasty including minor surgery. Usually performed under local anesthesia or. sedation. Mechanical operations are of two kinds, namely simple and alloplant Hymenoplasty.

Simple Hymenoplasty done if only suffered a torn hymen and there are still remaining. In the torn part, infibulation is performed, usually with a yarn that can be absorbed, so the hymen back to its original shape. However, if the hymen has been severely damaged or lost so it is no longer possible sewn, with engineering operations alloplant. In alloplant, conducted the installation of artificial hymen.

Done tightening of the vaginal cavity or the front or back causing problems urinating or defecating because of prolapse of the bladder or rectum into the vagina (cystocele or rektokel). Vaginoplasty or automatic kolporafi action will strengthen the pelvic muscles and vagina becomes narrower. So the end result which has resulted in more harmonious relationships and sexual pleasure is a "side effect" arising from genital reconstruction efforts due to medical factors. Nevertheless rejuvenation action sex organs of non-medical indications to improve the confidence and there is no ban cosmetics done. The act of reconstruction, renovation or rejuvenation as Hymenoplasty, Vaginoplasty, clitoral hood reduction (clitoroplexy) can be either local or general anesthesia and requires no hospitalization.

Hymenoplasty In Indonesia ID, Indonesia Body Procedures, Indonesia Cosmetic Surgery, Indonesia Labiaplasty, Indonesia Plastic Surgery, Indonesia Skin Procedures, Indonesia Surgeon, Indonesia Vaginal Rejuvenation, Indonesia Vaginal Surgery, Indonesia Vaginaplasty, Indonesia Vaginoplasty, Indonesia Vulva Surgery

Hymenoplasty, Can Restore Virginity?

Hymenoplasty, Can Restore Virginity?

Hymen or hymen is not an absolute indicator of a girl's virginity. The hymen can be torn, but the girl was a virgin, or vice versa, the hymen is not torn when the girl was not a virgin. This can happen because the definition of "not virgin" is ever had sexual intercourse with the opposite sex, no matter if her hymen was torn or not.

Hymen is a mucosal lining that surrounds or partially covers the mouth of the vagina. These layers are, as vaginal mucosa, also has blood vessels and nerve vessels. Therefore, a tear in the hymen is often followed by bleeding and pain.

By the time a new girl enters school age, the hymen is still thin and almost translucent. Therefore, at this age, the hymen is more prone to tears, mainly due to sports such as horse riding, cycling, or gymnastics.

After puberty, due to the influence of estrogen, Hymen will be slightly thickened and pink. But keep in mind that the thickness, shape, and elasticity of the hymen varies in every woman.

More recently developed surgical techniques to repair the already torn hymen. Whether by accident or because of sexual relationships. Hymenoplasty surgery technique is called.

Hymenoplasty goal is to restore the hymen as it was before the tear. Usually done for reasons of moral, cultural or social.

Hymenoplasty including minor surgery. Usually performed under local anesthesia or sedation. Mechanical operations are of two kinds, namely simple and alloplant Hymenoplasty.

Simple Hymenoplasty done if only suffered a torn hymen and there are still remaining. In the torn part, infibulation is performed, usually with a yarn that can be absorbed, so the hymen back to its original shape.

However, if the hymen has been severely damaged or lost so it is no longer possible sewn, with engineering operations alloplant. In alloplant, conducted the installation of artificial hymen.

The next question arises. Is a person who has undergone surgery Hymenoplasty be virgins again? The answer is, if we refer to the definition of "not virgin" at the beginning of this paper, Hymenoplasty not restore virginity.

Vaginoplasty and Perinioplasty Care Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation postoperative

Vaginoplasty and Perinioplasty Care Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation postoperative

Currently virginity surgery or better known as Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation is a lifestyle community, especially big cities. In fact, many artists who use the method of operation or virginity hymen restoration surgery. As we know laser vaginal rejuvenation surgery consists of vaginoplasty, Perinioplasty, and Hymenoplasty. For patients who had surgery Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation so the results are good then there are some things to be done.

Here's Care After surgery vaginal laser rejuvenation:
Vaginoplasty and Perinioplasty Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation:
Betadine douche 1.Irigasi 2x a day after a shower for a week. Then gradually secra dikuangi frequency to 1 day, 2 days and so on.
2.Setelah urinate or defecate dried with a towel and not with tissue
3.The day 7 post-surgery, the wound can be smeared with mederma to harike 30.
4.Hari to 31-40 postoperative dilakukn msage with KY Jelly.
5.Puasa intercourse for 40 hri postoperative
Hopefully the article above can berguan for you. (source: RSHLMC)

Incoming search terms:
  • minor surgery vagina
  • Vaginoplasty hospitals in Indonesia

Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation or Operasi keperawanan

Surgery hymen virginity or known as Laser Vaginal Rejunvenation (LVR) is one of the effects of promiscuity among the public, especially in big cities. So what are the benefits and risks or side effects of this vaginal rejuvenation surgery. Then what is the cost of this recovery operation virginity? Actually, what kind of surgery this virginity. Virginity operation or recovery operation or the lining of the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation is divided into three, namely:

Hymenoplasty is hymen surgery
Labioplasty reconstruct the labia majora and minora to aesthetics
Perinioplasty namely reconstructing the already sagging muscles perinium

So the actual operation of Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation has good benefits to health that is when suffering from venereal disease can diopersi LVR with this technique. Where have abnormalities in the physical form of female genitalia can diopersi this with LVR action. The controversy in the community is Opersi refund or opersi Virginity hymen, as if by opersi this as people will tend to justify promiscuity or adultery after a virgin will not easily be restored by this operation. Even among artists also started a trend, one of the artists who have done surgery hymen is the goddess of peach. One hospital service providers Operation Laser vaginal rejuvenation or vaginal rejuvenation in Jogja is RS Happy Land.

In this hospital you will be explained about the term hymen surgery in detail and clearly, including costs, benefits and risks. Procedures and flow or laser surgery virginity vaginal rejuvenation will also be explained clearly. Hopefully this article helpful.

Here are some of the terms or articles related to keprawanan operations that are frequently asked at our website: surgery virginity, hymen surgery, laser vaginal rejuvenation, operating costs of virginity, the risk opersi hymen, hymen surgery benefits, legal operation of the hymen, how to restore the membrane virgin, virginity surgery provider hospitals, relationships hymen and virginity, the operation to restore virginity, hymen operations in Indonesia, operating in Indonesia virginity, hymen surgery in Bandung, I know virginity, knowing virginity, virgin virgin, virgin membrane, the operating virgin, the hymen surgery, Is virginity come back? and vagina spa. (Jogja Medical Consultant)

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