Mitos dan Fakta Selaput Dara

DI beberapa budaya dan masyarakat di berbagai belahan dunia ini, selaput dara atau hymen merupakan simbol keperawanan yang dipersyaratkan bagi perempuan yang belum menikah.

Oleh karenanya, selaput dara seringkali menjadi topik pembicaraan yang hangat dan menimbulkan pro-kontra. Sayangnya, pembicaraan mengenai selaput dara dan keperawanan ini seringkali tidak disertai dengan pemahaman yang benar karena masih sangat terpaku pada mitos-mitos.

Berikut adalah beberapa mitos mengenai selaput dara :

Mitos: setiap perempuan dilahirkan dengan memiliki selaput dara.

Fakta: ternyata tidak. Tidak semua perempuan lahir dengan selaput dara pada vaginanya. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa bayi perempuan lahir tanpa selaput dara.

Mitos: selaput dara bentuknya sama pada setiap perempuan, seperti selaput tipis tanpa lubang.
Fakta: salah besar. Seperti juga manusia memiliki wajah yang berbeda, demikian juga selaput dara. Selaput dara memiliki lubang atau pori yang bentuknya bervariasi. Lubang pada selaput dara dapat bertambah lebar setelah seorang perempuan mengalami menstruasi yang pertama kali.

Mitos: operasi pemulihan selaput dara sangat diperlukan bagi perempuan yang akan menikah tetapi selaput daranya sudah tidak utuh lagi.

Fakta: operasi pemulihan selaput dara memang selalu menimbulkan pro dan kontra. Sebetulnya apabila semua orang sudah memiliki pemahaman tentang selaput dara seperti yang dijelaskan di atas, operasi sama sekali tidak diperlukan.

Keperawanan seseorang tidak dapat ditentukan oleh adanya perdarahan pada malam pengantin. Operasi selaput dara termasuk operasi yang sangat sederhana. jadi kalau yang dibutuhkan hanya selaput dara yang "utuh" dan bisa mengeluarkan darah, siapa saja (perempuan tentunya) bisa menjalani operasi itu sehingga kembali menjadi "perawan". Dalam hal ini tentunya terjadi "penipuan" terhadap laki-laki yang menjadi suaminya.

Sumber : Kesproholic, A-Z Tanya Jawab Seputar Masalah Seksualitas

5 Ciri Wanita Yang Masih Perawan

Untuk melihat seorang gadis masih perawan atau tidak, anda tidak perlu melihatnya saat malam pertama. Ada beberapa ciri fisik pada tubuh wanita perawan atau tidak. Mau tahu apa ciri-cirinya? Apa nggak mau tapi malu-malu mau!!

1. Dahi
Bagi wanita yang masih perawan akan memiliki dahi yang halus dan licin. Dan jika tidak suci lagi maka akan muncul kedutan yang tidak begitu terlihat dan samar-samar. Ciri ini tolong bedakan dengan kedutan karena usia.

Kedutan karena sudah tidak perawan, terlihat samar-samar dan akan terlihat jelas saat tertawa atau berbicara.

2. Mata.
Ciri pertama bisa kita lihat pada matanya. Jika wanita yang sudah tidak perawan bagian bawah kelopak mata terlipat sedikit dan terdapat tanda lebam (hitam) seperti memar. Atau ada tambahan garis keriput. Sedangkan jika masih suci maka matanya cerah berseri.

3. Hidung
Seoarang gadis yang masih suci dari jamahan lelaki hidung belang, memiliki ciri fisik pada hidungnya. Apa itu? yaitu pada ujung hidung terlihat ciri kemerah-merahan. Sedangkan untuk gadis yang sudah tidak perawan akan memiliki warna merah tapi lebih pucat.

4. Pipi
Jika gadis masih perawan maka pipinya akan menggairahkan dan merah segar. Kalau seorang wanita sering dicium efeknya adalah pipinya menjadi tidak merah lagi. Ciri lainnya bisa dilihat jika seorang pipi dari wanita tidak perawan terdapat garis melintang yang tidak begitu jelas.

5. Telinga
Seorang wanita yang sama sekali belum tersentuh oleh Pria bisa juga dilihat cirinya pada telinga. Bagi wanita perawan maka telinganya akan akan nampak halus dan bersih. Sedangkan telinga pada wanita yang sudah tidak perawan akan menjadi sedikit leper. Karena waktu malam sering digigit :D

Sebenarnya ada banyak lagi ciri-ciri perawan tapi karena melibatkan organ-organ sensitif lebih baik tidak saya publish.Dan saya rasa ciri diatas sudah cukup untuk membedakan mana wanita yang masih perawan atau tidak.

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Vaginal surgery

A woman’s look, or feel, in her vaginal and pubic region has a significant importance in a woman’s life. It is closely related to her self-esteem, and to the actual and expected excitement involved with her sexual life and desire.
Discomfort in a woman’s vaginal area can severely affects her psychological state.

Many women today seek cosmetic surgery solutions that will improve their look and feel in their pubic regions. Such solutions may include reconstruction (mostly tightening) of the vagina, cosmetic procedures in the labia (size-reduction and beautification), and others. Intimate Plastic Surgery corrects dysfunctions and improves the woman`s hidden aesthetics

As well, there is a growing demand today, mostly due to ethnic and religious requirements, to re-construct woman’s hymen.
In general, cosmetic vaginal surgeries may be divided in the following groups:
• Vaginoplasty (mainly vaginal tightening and muscle re-building)
• Labiaplasty (reducing and/or reshaping the external genital structures)
• Hymenoplasty (re-construction of the hymen, to a “near-virginity” state).

Birth-giving, aging, and genetic factors often cause the vaginal muscles to loosen and weaken, sometimes even tear. The diameter of the vagina gets bigger and there is a loss of feeling.

There are three main technical approaches in vaginal surgeries:
• Scalpel
• Laser
• Radiosurgical techniques

The candidate will consult her physician and the surgeon about the methods the surgeon uses in vaginal procedures. Each technique has its advantages, and it all depends on the expert surgeon’s experience and the specific patient’s needs and preference.

Most patients are very happy after vaginal tightening surgery. Their regained vaginal muscle tone significantly improves their quality of life in general, and the quality of their intimate sex-life in particular.

Careful assessment of signs and symptoms, along with an in-depth clinical examination, will be made before any surgical decision. As well, any existing vaginal disease or infection will be diagnosed and treated before proceeding into cosmetic surgery.

According to the scientific medical paper of Masters and Johnson, sexual gratification is directly related to the amount of frictional forces generated. It is not, however, a solution for sexual dysfunction, lack of interest or arousal, or orgasmic inadequacy.

Labiaplasty can be combined with other cosmetic surgeries. Most women who wish to undergo labiaplasty also choose tummy tucks and liposuction procedures in parallel.

Ciri-Ciri Gadis Masih Perawan!

Pasangan hidup adalah salah satu hal yang amat menentukan terbinanya kehidupan sakinah wa rahmah didalam keluarga. tentunya selain ketaqwaan, nasab (garis keturunan) dan memiliki sedikit harta (bukan dalam artian matre), kecantikan serta keperawanan seorang gadis sangat dianjurkan dan menentukan dalam memilih pasangan. nah berikut ada sedikit tips corat-coret untuk melihat seorang gadis yang masih suci. semoga dapat bermanfaat, dan ini adalah tips buat ikhwan-ikhwan yang benar-benar mau membina rumah tangga, jadi jangan disalah gunakan ya…


1. Agak hitam rambutnya, hitam alisnya, hitam bulu matanya, hitam bola matanya.
2. Agak putih badannya, putih giginya, putih kedua telapak tangannya.
3. Agak kemerah2an bibirnya, kemerah2an pipinya, kemerah2an gusinya.
4. Agak sedang kepalannya, dagunya, sedang payudaranya, semerbak keringatnya, harum bau mulutnya, hidungnya dan badannya.

Wallahu a’lam bisshawab. Untuk lebih spesifik ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatiakan diantaranya:

Gadis yang masih suci, dahinya licin. Bila selalu senggama licinnya hilang, justru yang timbul kedutan (garis2) yang kadang nampak kadang tidak ketika ngobrol. Kedutan karena sudah tidak suci, tidak sama dengan kedutan wajah yang dimakan usia. Kedutan suci yang telah hilang, tidak begitu ketara dan tidak begitu nampak, kecuali ketika muka menunjukkan reaksi tertentu seperti sedang ketawa dan bicara, sementara kedutan karena dimakan usia senantiasa nampak dan kekal. Jangan dihilangkan dengan sembarang minyak, walaupun di zaman sekarang ada bermacam2 minyak.

Tetapi kedutan karena hilangnya kesucian tidak mudah dihilangkan. Untuk memudahkan melihat gadis yang masih suci atau tidak. Coba perhatikan dahi gadis yang sudah bersuami dengan yang belum. Perhatikan betul2 niscaya nampak kelainannya. Gadis yang sudah tidak suci terdapat beberapa kedutan garis2 timbul dan melekuk didahi gadis itu. Perhatikan betul2 sebab garis2 itu tidak begitu nampak (terang). Wallahu a’lam.

Gadis yang masih suci atau tubuhnya belum disentuh oleh lelaki, ujung hidungnya berwarna kemerah-merahan, jika disentuh ujung hidungnya nampak merah. Gadis yang tidak suci ujung hidungnya merah tetapi merah pucat, terkadang warna merah tidak nampak, yang nampak hanyalah pucat, tak percaya coba liat ujung hidung anak perempuan, merahkan..? Bagi lelaki yang suka merusak kesucian wanita, hidungnya berbelang, oleh karena itu disebut lelaki hidung belang. Wallohu a’lam

dari mana datangnya cinta, dari mata turun ke hati…..
Kita menggunakan mata untuk memandang dan melihat seseorang, cantikkah, bugarkah, luweskah, dsb. Terkadang kita memandang wanita cantik dibagian luar saja, tapi bagian dalamnya sudah habis, untuk mengetahui wanita itu masih suci atau tidak coba tengoklah matanya. Bila bagian bawah kelopak terlipat sedikit dan terdapat tanda lebam (tanda memar) berarti gadis itu sudah tidak suci lagi, mungkin sudah bersuami. lebam yang menunjukkan tidak suci nampak semacam garis2 hitam di bawah kelopak mata disampىng warna hitam dibawah kelopak mata sedikit kelihatan berkeriput (berkedut). Gadis yang masih suci matanya berseri2, tidak ada warna hitam, lebam maupun garis2. Apabila gadis itu tertawa di bawah kelopak matanya tidak terdapat apapun, seperti kedut (berkeriput) , bergaris dll. Wallohu a’lam.(yg dimaksud lebamnya mata bukan karena kurang tidur loh -D )

Punggung gadis berubah melalui 2 proses:

1. Punggung gadis menjadi besar karena proses hormon.
2. Punggung gadis menjadi besar karena lelaki.

Punggung yang sudah kena sentuhan lelaki akan menjadi besar, lebih2 yang sudah berhubungan badan. Punggung gadis yang masih suci walaupun gemuk ia masih kelihatan cantik, sebab masih kental dan tegang serta tidak lesu dan jatuh. Cobalah perhatikan pinggang gadis, kalau pinggangnya masih ramping dan punggung tidak besar, tidak montok dan kenyal pada punggungnya. Kalau berjalan punggungnya tidak goyah sebab dagingnya masih solid dan tidak lembut kalau dipegang, artinya dia masih suci. Bagi yang pernah melakukan hubungan badan, punggungnya memang berisi dan besar tetapi tidak kental, punggungnya nampak jatuh, lebih2 disaat ia berjalan, goyangannya tidak melantun.

Kenapa punggung gadis yang pernah melakukan hubungan badan bisa jatuh? Disaat melakukan hubungan badan lebih kurang 90% hormon yang ada di bagian punggung akan tertumpu kebagian kemaluan, sebab di masa kepuncak (organsme), punggung gadis menjadi tegang.

Apabila sudah selesai berhubungan badan punggung yang tegang akan mengendur semula dan ini menyebabkan punggung menjadi kendur dan jatuh. Lebih kerap gadis itu melakukan hubungan badan, punggung akan semakin jatuh dan lesu, leper. Wallahu a’lam.

Telinga termasuk salah satu panca indra yang bisa digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah gadis itu masih suci atau tidak. Di negeri china telinga sebagai peramal untuk mengetahui penyakit didalam tubuh seseorang. Gadis yang tidak pernah disentuh oleh laki2, telinganya cantik dan nampak bersih, kalau gadis itu pernah disetubuhi atau telinganya pernah digigit atau dicium dan disentuh, secara otomatik bentuk telinga gadis itu akan berubah menjadi lebih leper sedikit dan tidak lagi kemerah-merahan dan menjadi pucat. Bagi gadis yang masih suci tapi pernah kena sentuh lelaki, pucatnya tidaklah ketara sangat. Wallahu a’lam.

BUAH DADA (payudara)
Peranan buah dada memang banyak, bukan sekedar menggoda nafsu lelaki saja, tapi buah dada sebagai bukti kalau gadis itu pernah disentuh atau tidak. Buah dada gadis yang belum pernah kena sentuh, senantiasa tegang. Tetapi kalau sudah kena sentuhan, buah dada itu tegangnya berkurang dan membesar sedikit dari pada ukuran asalnya, lebih kerap disentuh, lebih kendur. Perhatikan gadis disaat berjalan atau berlari, bergerak2 dan melambai jatuh (ke bawah) dan berbuai sekali berarti ketegangan sudah hilang. Kalau belum kena sentuhan, walaupun buah dada berbuai disaat berlari tetapi buaiannya tidak terlalu melambai2 berarti ketegangan masih ada.

Puting buah dada yang pernah kena sentuhan menjadi panjang dan terjojol (keluar) sedikit dari tempat persembunyiannya. Buah dada yang selalu kena remas akan menjadi lebih besar, dan jangan menuduh gadis yang berbuah dada besar itu kena remas. Sebab, buah dada yang besar kena remas dan yang besar karna alami memang berbeda.

Buah dada yang kena remas menjadi besar tetapi tidak tegang. Sementara buah dada yang besar karna alami senantiasa tegang dan disaat berjalan tidak bergoyang, kalau yang kena remas bergoyang terbuai-buai seperti telinga gajah, berbuai kekiri, kekanan, keatas, kebawah terkadang melambung2 ketika gadis itu berjalan atau berlari.

Mengapa buah dada bila kena sentuhan bisa jatuh dan apa hubungan telapak tangan dengan otot buah dada? Di kala buah dada itu dipegang atau diremas2 gadis merasa gairah, disaat bergairah hormon2 akan mengisi ruang buah dada sehingga menjadi tegang. Setelah bergairah buah dada yang tegang lalu mengendur yang membuat ototnya mengendur pula. Buah dada yang kena hisap putingnya menjadi lebam, yang belum kena hisap putingnya berwarna merah jambu. Sekiranya gadis itu tidak suci, buah dadanya jatuh terjuntai seperti buah pepaya yang terjuntai di pohon. Pada buah dada memang mengandung seribu tanda tanya, termasuk mengetahui wanita yang sudah punya anak atau belum. Perhatikan putingnya kalau tegangnya menghala ke atas yaitu mendangak ke atas berarti wanita itu sudah pernah melahirkan, kalau putingnya senantiasa terjojol keluar dan mendangak ke atas berarti wanita itu sudah pernah melakukan hubungan badan, tetapi belum pernah beranak. Namun payudara sering kali dianggap sebagai simbol seks, sebagian besar wanita dan lelaki sangat menyukai buah dada disaat melakukan hubungan sexsual, karena mereka dapat mencapai organsme (kenikmatan) hanya karena rangsangan buah dada.

Seorang gadis jika telah dewasa, kecil kemungkinan ukuran payudaranya berubah, kecuali bila berat badannya bertambah. Pembengkakan payudara karena kehamilan, menyusui atau pengaruh pil kontrasepsi adalah bersifat kondisional. Postur tubuh yang baik akan membentuk payudara nampak lebih besar. Coba tanyakan, apakah ia senang payudaranya disentuh atau tidak? Sebagian wanita memiliki puting payudara yang sangat sensitif sebagian lainnya tidak, mereka mungkin ingin payudaranya disentuh atau mungkin tidak. Tetapi umumnya wanita menyukai sentuhan lembut dan ciuman pada payudara dan juga pada puting payudara. Payudara dan putingnya akan mengeras apabila dirangsang. Begitulah tanda2 yang paling jelas bila ia terangsang, meskipun tidak semuanya demikian. Tanda2 lainnya adalah lubrikasi (pelendiran) pada liang vagina, kemerah-merahan di dada dan meningkatkan kecepatan denyut jantung dan pernafasan. Wallahu a’lam.

Himenoplasty - Permak Keperawanan

Keperawanan masih merupakan topik yang penting untuk masyarakat Indonesia, walaupun ada juga yang mengesampingkan nilai2 keperawanan dan menganggapnya tidak terlalu penting lagi...Wow...lalu kalo perawanku hilang padahal keperawanan adalah hal yang sangat penting menurut aku...dan calon suamiku pun sangat mementingkan itu...ada solusinya ga yah?

Don't Worry, sekarang ini ada yang dinamakan Himenoplasty, yaitu operasi plastik untuk memperbaiki selaput dara yang rusak/robek dikarenakan masuknya benda asing, kecelakaan, hub. seksual, dsb...

berapa sih harganya kalo mau melakukan himenoplasty?
Harganya sangat variatif tergantung dari kerusakan yang dialami dan jumlah pembuluh darah pada selaput dara (semakin banyak jumlah pembuluh darah, harga semakin mahal...pembuluh darah ini juga yang menentukan banyaknya jumlah darah anda yang keluar saat pertama kali melakukan hub seksual)...Biasanya untuk melakukan himenoplasty dibutuhkan biaya 2,5 juta-7,5 juta rupiah...

Apa sih yang harus saya persiapkan kalau mau melakukan operasi selaput dara?
1. Kamu akan membohongi calon pasangan kamu...apakah kamu siap dengan perasaan bersalah yang akan muncul? Oleh karena itu, konseling sebelum melakukan operasi sangat disarankan...

2. Nilai keperawanan sendiri sebenarnya sudah bergeser...kalo dulu sih, emang selaput dara satu2nya patokan...tapi sekarang ini, orang lebih melihat esensi dari kata "virgin" itu sendiri...keperawanan lebih diartikan pada pernah tidaknya anda melakukan hub seksual..bukan pada keutuhan selaput dara lagi...

Kondisi apa yang membuat saya tidak bisa melakukan himenoplasty?
Menurut pakarnya, himenoplasty dapat dilakukan pada wanita mana saja yang kehilangan keperawanan dengan syarat belum pernah melahirkan...

Bagaimana sih himenoplasty dimanfaatkan dalam praktek yang menguntungkan?
Himenoplasty banyak dimanfaatkan dalam praktek pelacuran...untuk harga orang yang menjual diri dalam keadaan perawan berada pada kisaran 10-15 juta rupiah...

Jadinya para pelacur high class memanfaatkan teknik ini untuk menipu pelanggannya...pengakuan salah seorang pelacur high class yang memanfaatkan teknik ini adalah sebagai berikut:

P: Dalam keadaan tidak perawan, saya hanya dihargai 1,5 juta per malam...sedangkan dalam keadaan perawan saya dihargai 15 juta per malam...makanya saya selalu melakukan himenoplasty untuk mendapatkan uang dalam jumlah besar...sekali himenoplasty saya merogoh kocek saya 3 juta rupiah...15 juta dikurangi 3 juta, saya mendapat untung 12 juta...jauh lebih besar dibandingkan saya harus menjual diri dengan harga "hanya" 1,5 juta saja...


Jika anda tertarik melakukan himenoplasty untuk mengembalikan selaput dara anda silakan saja, namun yang penting adalah...persiapkan diri anda sebelum melakukannya baik secara fisik ataupun psikologis...

Jika alasan anda melakukan ini karena takut ditinggalkan oleh orang yang anda cintai, sebaiknya anda mengingat 1 hal...apakah orang yang anda cintai mencintai anda? Jika ya, lebih baik dibicarakan agar kehidupan asmara anda tidak memiliki ganjalan yang menekan perasaan anda...

Restoring your Virginity - For him and for yourself

The virginity of a woman is valued for religious, social, and even economic reasons. Hymen gets disrupted after the first intercourse or even after strenuous physical activity or tampon use. Anyway, you wouldn't want your boyfriend / future husband feel ashamed because your hymen no longer existed.

Many woman would like to restore hymen which represent their virginity. The following hymen picture show different kind of hymen. The last hymen picture shows how a hymen looks like after hymen reconstruction

Type of Hymen Repair
Hymen repair, hymen reconstruction, hymen surgery, Hymenoplasty or revirgination refer to the comestic surgery that restore your hymen. Hymenoplasty is a simple procedure that repair torn hymen. There are two most popular type of Hymenoplasty

Simple Hymenoplasty: Doctor will piecing together the remnant by closing the tear. It is a simple procedure and could be in three to seven day. The hymen tissue is pulled together so vagina will again cover by it. The risk of fever and infection is low since hymen is relatively avascular. However, the result is not meant to last long so it is best to perform in less than a month before your next intercourse.

Alloplant: If you hymen can't not be restore, a Tear-through biomaterial will be insert and act as your hymen. Hymen implant is an easy procedure than can be done under local anesthetic and as a day case surgery. It takes less than two hour and patient can return to work the next day. It is not easy to notice it is not a real hymen.

Price of Hymen repair
Many surgeon offer Hymenoplasty. It could be done in local anesthetic and require no hospitalization. Depend on the location and surgeon, it could cost as little as $1,800 to $5,000.

Here is some information of the cost of hymen repair i found on the web

Hymeonplasty Cost:
Depending on your geographic location and choice of surgeon the price may range between $2500 - $4500.

Hymen Repair Surgery in Argentina , 9 nights - Cristal Palace Hotel accommodations and Billingual Assistant + Transportation has a price of USD 2435.

Hymen repair surgery with all anesthesia services, facility fees, and postoperative visits cost you $3900.

History of Hymen repair
In some cultures, women's hymen can affect her marriage prospects, her family's reputation, and even her very life. The virginity of the bride is valued for religious, social, and even economic reasons. In many Mediterranean and African cultures, the husband's family may take revenge through violent punishments and banishment of the bride because the "non-virgin" bride "shamed" them. Clearly, those who seek Hymenoplasty believe that the procedure is necessary for their social status, happiness, and even preservation of life.

Where is Hymen located
Where many people believe hymen is inside the vigina, it is located outside of the vagina. Hymen is part of vulva, which is an external genital organ. Hymen is a thin layer of tissue that is easy to break. Some woman breaks their hymen during their first intercourse where other had their hymen broken during sport or other activity.

Imperforate hymen
Imperforate hymen is at the extreme of a spectrum of variations in hymenal configuration. Variations in the embryologic development of the hymen are common and result in fenestrations, septa, bands, microperforations, anterior displacement, and differences in rigidity and/or elasticity of the hymenal tissue.

Hymenoplasty - cosmetic vaginal surgeries.

(Hymen reconstruction, bringing to pre-sexual state)

Hymenoplasty is one of the three major areas of cosmetic vaginal surgeries.
The procedure aims to correct dysfunctions and improve the woman`s hidden aesthetics.

The way a woman feels about the look and sensation in her vagina and pubic areas has a major impact on her self-esteem, her sexual desire, and her intimate relationship.

There are three major areas of Cosmetic Vaginal Surgeries, aimed to rejuvenate a woman’s sexual feeling:
• Hymenoplasty (hymen reconstruction, “bringing back to virginity”)
• Vaginal reconstruction and rejuvenation (vaginoplasty, mainly vaginal tightening)
• Labia surgery (labiaplasty, labia reduction and look improvement, correcting the size and shape of the inner and outer lips)

Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to repair or reconstruct the ring-like skin membrane partially covering the opening of the vagina (the “hymen”). Bleeding occurs when the hymen tears, which is typically the result of a woman’s first experience with intercourse. The Hymenoplasty surgery will pull the tissue back together to restore a “virgin-like” quality.

Quite rarely, a female can unknowingly tear her hymen by inserting a tampon. It may also happen during sports (e.g. - bicycles or horseback riding).

The biological function of the hymen is still uncertain, however, its social function is popularly regarded as a mythical symbol in many cultures. Therefore, qualified plastic surgeons perform Hymenoplasty at the request of women who need the surgery for ethnic, cultural, or religious reasons.

There is a growing number of patients who desire higher sexual satisfaction by undergoing the Hymenoplasty procedure, not for religious or similar reasons, but because the vaginal walls are tightened.

Hymenoplasty generally takes about one to two hours, with patients able to return to work the next day. Restoration of the hymen is done on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia or sedation. Prior to surgery, patients are required to have a pre-surgical consultation and thorough gynecological examination. During this time, she should communicate her needs and expectations to the doctor, and in turn, will learn of the possible risks and benefits to hymenoplasty.

Vaginal physiological state significantly affects a woman’s physiological state. Structure reconstruction of the vagina may well bring back the younger feel, and contribute the sexual life and self esteem improvement a woman is looking for.

Some surgeons perform procedures involving laser surgery, where others use methods such as radiosurgical techniques or scalpel techniques.

Depending on the choice of doctor and geographic location Hymenoplasty prices may range between $2,000 and $5,000.

Your doctor / surgeon will explain how long the surgery will take, the amount of time and care necessary for a full recovery, and exactly when after surgery it would be safe to resume sexual intercourse.

What is the Relationship Between Stress in Skin Damage?

We could claim to be happy and think all is fine. But if the stress has been attacked, the face can not hide. Even our skin knows, you know.

Stress is not just a matter of psychology. He also was able to cause physical reactions in our bodies. When we are stressed, the body secretes hormones called cortisol, which is also often called "the stress hormone". Cortisol causes inflammation in various organs, including skin.

We often forget that the skin is also an organ of the body. And like any other organ, the skin may be inflamed. The result? Inflamed pores will be more easily clogged. Collagen is inflamed causing wrinkles. Inflammation also triggers the onset of skin itching, dryness, and acne.

So it was definitely not, that stress greatly affects the skin? So what can we do to prevent it? Always accept and admit if you're feeling stressed. Ignoring stress and pretend all is fine it will make it worse.

Recognize also traits when you're stressed, for example, had trouble sleeping, so there's no appetite (or overeating even so), so that when the characteristics of the stress came, we knew that we were able to perform stress and direct handling. How can breathe deeply, exercise, meditation, or yoga. Take time to pamper yourself with a massage or doing such a favorite hobby.

What is equally important is to maintain healthy skin. Make sure the skin is always kept moist by using moisturizer and drinking mineral water for hydration from within.

6 Rules of Great Beauty Can We Break

6 Rules of Great Beauty Can We Break

Do not wear bright red lipstick during the day! Adjust the color of the bag with shoe color! That ancient rule. It is time we break a few "don'ts" in the world of fashion and beauty.

1. Bright red lipstick may only be used at night
Who says? Red lipstick, or eye makeup smoky eyes, we can use during the day. Origin, do not combine the two. If you wear red lipstick during the day, make sure your eye makeup natural. Conversely, if your eye makeup is quite "heavy", use lipstick with soft colors.

2. Long hair is not suitable for women over 50 years
Many older women decided to cut his hair short to look younger and fresher. Though not always like that. Some people even look old with short stiff hair. If your hair healthy, long, alone. Layer pieces that frame the face can make your face look younger, especially if coupled with bangs.

3. The color of shoes should be the same color as the color of the bag and belts
Using a black dress with red bag, red belt and red shoes, it does look sweet. Matching style is perfect if you want to look retro. But for modern impression, which is needed instead is a hit-and-color.

4. For the sake of beauty and health of the skin, stay away from the sun
Sunlight can indeed cause damage to the skin, but that does not mean you have to shut myself inside the house. During the skin is always protected sunblock, there's nothing wrong occasionally sunbathe panasan.

5. Mini dresses and shorts are not suitable for women over 40 years
Supermini hot pants or skirts are best avoided if you are already old. But who says you can no longer wear skirts above the knee or mini dress that was beautiful? What is important, make sure the top closed, or add a cardigan.

6. Do not use gold jewelry along with silver jewelry
According to the old rules, if we wear gold necklaces, bracelets and earrings too sure of gold. So even if we wear silver jewelry. And if you know the trick, mix the two types of jewelry can actually make you look stylish and quirky. The key, use the bertumpul and make sure both are not the same amount. For example, wearing two gold necklaces and a silver necklace as well. Or two gold bracelets and three silver bracelets.

Are You Sensitive Skin? How to Take care of him?

Are You Sensitive Skin? How to Take care of him?

If you often experience pain in the skin when applying the product, dry and itchy skin suddenly without cause, or susceptible to irritation, it could be your skin is sensitive. Let's find out more about sensitive skin and how to care for her. \

When you try a new moisturizer, facial skin suddenly reddened and sore. While in cold areas, your skin is so dry and itchy Extra. After dilulur, your body skin irritation. Well, it means you have sensitive skin and require different treatments. But do not worry, the fix is ​​not difficult, provided you've provided enough information about sensitive skin.

According to a dermatologist, have sensitive skin outer layer of skin thinner. As a result, the response was so nervous point higher. Our nervous easily react to things no matter how small.

There are many causes of skin to be sensitive: environmental factors (including ultraviolet light, wind, heat, cold, pollution, and humidity), irritation from the use of products (cosmetics, soaps, lotions, etc.), or even fabrics that do not fit for the skin.

Did not have sensitive skin feels uncomfortable, but you're not alone. An estimated 69 percent of women and 64 percent of men feel their skin is sensitive, especially in the face. Most of them are people who often feel tired, stressed, and under pressure.

When the body feels stress, nerve endings in the skin layer will remove the chemicals that cause the pain and redness of the skin. This is why it is so important to pamper yourself, both in the spa, with yoga, or simply relaxing at home while reading a favorite book.

1. Treat your skin like a baby's skin to be treated extra carefully. That does not mean you have to wear baby products, but choose the product that is soft and made specifically for sensitive skin.
2. Stay away from products that contain perfumes.
3. Products labeled "non-comedogenic" are also good for you.
4. Before trying a new product, apply first on the inside of your wrist, and let stand for 24 hours. If the skin is smeared turns red, it means the product is not suitable for you.
5. Do not use a loofah while bathing.
6. Leave the body scrubs.
7. Stay away from places with extreme temperatures.

Some Benefits and Applications Honey for Beauty

Some Benefits and Applications Honey for Beauty

Honey is not only delicious to eat. Sweet liquid produced by bees is also has a million benefits for beauty.

Since the days of ancient Egypt, Queen Cleopatra has used a mixture of white milk and honey in a water bath. While the Queen Anne of England used a mixture of honey and oil to make hair more beautiful.

According to the researchers quoted from Carefair, honey has a number of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are important for the skin including the scalp. Honey can also be used as a natural moisturizer. In addition, honey contains a very useful, especially for sensitive skin, to fight the irritation.

Rather than try a variety of skin treatments that contain chemicals, it is better to use honey to the mixture of natural mask your face and body.

Most interestingly, the content of honey can make you save hundreds of thousands of dollars to withstand aging skin care. Because honey contains natural antioxidants that protect the skin from a variety of disorders.

A mixture of honey and milk you can make it as natural mask. If you want soft and smooth skin, try to mix 2-3 tablespoons of honey into your bath water. Then rinse the body thoroughly with plain water. Feel the benefits.

Good luck.

Various Recipes Beautiful Available in Your Kitchen

Various Recipes Beautiful Available in Your Kitchen
Do not like to cook and rarely to the kitchen? Maybe after you read this, you will change your mind. Because many objects in your kitchen that could actually make us beautiful. What?

1. cucumber
Cucumber juices are excellent for you who have a toner for oily skin. Or, mix with milk, and make facial cleansers.

2. honey
In addition to killing germs, honey we can also mix it with lotion or liquid soap to make the skin become ekstrahalus. Mix honey with milk, be a lotion that will make our skin glow.

3. cabbage
Confused with acne who always appears on the face? Play it to the kitchen, grab a cabbage, mashed, and make the mask on the acne. The content of amino acids and vitamin C can help rid of acne.

4. garlic
Puree the garlic, rub the juice into the face for 5 minutes, and a pimply face will no longer be a problem. But remember, do not just let stand 5 minutes alone in the face, because if too long, the face will feel the heat,

5. Lemon and egg white
Combine these two ingredients and make a face mask. Lemon is good for you who have oily skin, and egg white serves to tighten the skin and shrink pores.

6. carrots
If your skin is "adorned" spots and black spots, use a carrot to overcome them. Puree carrots and apply on the skin mottled.

5 Easy Tips For Beautiful Hair As of Hairdresser

5 Easy Tips For Beautiful Hair As of Hairdresser
Admittedly, it does look more beautiful hair after treatment in the salon. That's because the salon workers have a few tricks to make your hair so beautiful in no time. Let contek their tricks.

1. Choose a shampoo with a little foam
Many of the foam does not mean more clean. Shampoo that produces lots of foam usually contains a lot of moisturizing formula that can be left behind and settle in the hair and scalp. As a result, faster hair so dirty and oily feel.

2. Finish with cold water
While you're shampooing with warm water, try rinsing your hair with cold water before you get out of the bathroom. Cold water will close cuticles and makes your hair look more shiny.

3. Alternating hair dryer
In order for your hair look thicker and volume, do this trick when drying your hair with a hair dryer. Use a large round brush to blow one part of hair from root to tip, with a hair dryer heat. When the comb had reached the lower end of the hair, hold it in position like that, and move the hair dryer to the setting "cool", or turn off the hairdryer and let stand for 5 seconds.

4. Do not wrap in a towel
Wrap your hair with a towel after a bath it will make it dry quickly. But a rough surface with a towel to rub the hair cuticle, and consequently the hair sticking around. The most correct way is to gently squeeze the hair to remove the wash water, then let the wind for 10 minutes before being dried with a hair dryer.

5. Life of the product 10 minutes before my hair
If you usually wear products (gels, styling creams, etc.) prior to perming, straightening, or blow your hair, use the product 10 minutes before your hair styled, to give the product time to seep into the hair and better functioning.

What Man said about the women wear makeup?

What he said about the women wear makeup?
We probably can not live without lip gloss, but whether men prefer women who wear lip gloss? Then what is their response when we are wearing a pink blush on the cheeks?

A study was conducted to determine the responses of men to women's makeup. What kind of results?

1. Men love smoky eyes
Eye liner eye makeup with black and brown eye shadow can make your eyes look bigger, and is favored by many men.

2. Men do not like false eyelashes
Although the false eyelashes can beautify the eyes, the man can still see that it is false eyelashes and they do not like.

3. Men do not like lipstick lit
Have in mind a man when a woman wearing bright red lipstick and shiny is, "If I kissed her, the lipstick will leave a stain."

4. Men like make-up is no less, no more
Menor makeup certainly not recommended. But it turns out men prefer women who wear a little makeup (lip gloss and powder, for instance) than on the plain at all.

5. Men do not pay attention to detail
Because male and female brains work differently, she may feel worried when you feel there are pimples that appear on his chin. But it could be the man did not even realize there is a pimple on your face. They are more concerned with the overall appearance.

6. Men Like flushed cheeks
A study also showed that men are more attracted to women with cheeks flushed pink. If you do not include women who are easily flushed, can use blush to "faking it". Just do not overdo it.

7. Eyes, lips new
What is considered a new man when I first met a woman? 81 percent answered the eyes, lips and the rest answering.

5 Mistakes in Choosing Skin Care Products

5 Mistakes in Choosing Skin Care Products

Look at your dressing table. How many bottles of moisturizer, night cream and face cleansers that have long purchased but never touched? This could be due to the mistakes we used to do the shopping for skin care products. So as not to be fooled again, try to check the following list.

The first mistake: trusting the ad.
"This product is proven to whiten skin in just 21 days," reads a magazine and television advertisements. You also believe in and immediately bought a large bottle. What you forget to do is read the packaging and see what ingredients are contained in it. Is it true that these materials could prove to whiten skin? And if the product is claimed fantastic results, make sure there are research results and research are valid.

The second mistake: shopping discount products.
Nothing wrong with buying clothes or shoes at discount season arrives. But for skin care products, wait a minute. Moisturizers famous brands sold only half the price? Be careful, it could be counterfeit goods, or even old stock from three years ago. If the original goods do not jump to any hasty buying frenzy. Make sure the product contains a match for your skin condition.

The third mistake: taking risks.
Just like the advertising slogan, "Make a child why not try," for the skin you should not be used as the arena of trial and error. Do not just try a new product for facial skin if you do not know what is contained therein. It could not be obtained pretty, but acne, allergies, and irritants.

The fourth mistake: buying a product that is not according to skin type.
There is a reason why you need to know what your skin type. Oily, dry, combination, or sensitive? When buying skin care products, buy which is applied to your skin type. If your skin is oily, do not force to buy a product shaped cream just because the price is cheaper.

The fifth mistake: think expensive = good product.
Not many know that the price of a brand of beauty products can be very expensive because they incur the cost of promotion is very large. Most of the funds the company is to pay a celebrity model for advertising, fund advertisements in various media, to finance the promotion of road shows around town. Not that much money they spend on research and clinical trials. Again, the important thing is not the price tag, but the packaging label that lists any materials contained therein.

4 Steps to Managing a Black Leather Underarm

Have black underarm skin which sometimes makes women less confident. But there are tips to make the underarm skin to be whiter and smoother. Here are some steps you can follow.

First of all who need to realize is, underarm skin is one of the most sensitive skin. For that take care of any needed special attention. skin care tips quoted from Carefair armpit can help you.

1. Exfoliation
Blacks in the armpit can be a collection of dead skin cells. For that, you have to do is get rid of all those dead skin cells and replace them with new ones. Some beauty products provide a special cream underarm skin that you can use. Naturally, exfoliation can also be done by rubbing the skin of the armpit using a bath sponge or loofah. By rubbing, will provoke skin cells to form new layers that have been damaged.

2. Choosing a razor
Armpit hairs are trimmed to perfection will not block pores and make the surrounding skin blackened. To avoid this, choose a quality razor. Never use a blunt knife while shaving her armpits. Waxing can also be a good solution, because this method could be plucking the armpit to the root, so no skin left on your armpits.

3. Choosing a deodorant
Deodorant of your choice could be the cause of menghitamnya skin around the armpits. Perhaps the content in it is not suitable to your skin so it makes it black. Rather than risk, you can prevent underarm odor with 'natural deodorant'. After showering, use baking soda on your armpits. Baking soda can also kill odor-causing bacteria in the armpit.

4. Skin whitening
Some brands of beauty products also issued a special whitening underarm skin. You can also try it as a solution. Want natural? Use lemon juice in your armpits every shower. Lemon juice is a natural skin whitening ingredient.

Good luck!

Five Natural Ways to Fight Acne stubborn

Five Natural Ways to Fight Acne stubborn
Acne on the face often disrupt and eliminate the appearance of confidence. But not infrequently, care products offered on the market was unable to stop acne.

Than cure, it is better to prevent acne by natural means. The key is in our lifestyle. Find out how the six steps of quoted below.

1. Expand eat garlic
Garlic can destroy harmful bacteria in the pores of the skin. Besides garlic also works to increase the immune system, including the skin. So that acne can be prevented.

2. Irradiate the skin to the sun
The skin needs sunlight to wake her health so that the cells can be completely active. Leave the skin exposed to sunlight in the morning at least 15 minutes every day.

3. Exercise and adequate sleep
Stress that you experience every day will also trigger hormonal imbalances and ends on acne. Exercise and enough sleep will help the body stabilize your hormones back.

4. Wash your face with warm water
Acne can arise due to debris buildup in the pores. Warm water will make the pores open for a while, so a special soap to clean the skin of your face to the fullest. Once clean, wash your face again with plain water, so the pores close again.

5. Clean the body of toxins
Foods that are less clean and pollution that we experience every day can be toxic and stimulate the development of acne on the skin. How to get rid of toxins (detoxification), which naturally is by drinking enough water every day. Toxins that settles in the body will come out with dirt and sweat, so that the acne did not occur.

Easy right?

3 magic potion recipe to Eliminate Cellulite

3 magic potion recipe to Eliminate Cellulite
No need to bother looking for a powerful cream to deal with cellulite on the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks. Turns out you can easily mix your own 'medicine'. Its main ingredients: coffee grounds!

No matter how old you are, what your skin type, and how your weight, cellulite is always so great enemy. He usually appears in the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks, which makes our skin look rough like a striped orange peel. For years, women around the world looking for a variety of creams and medications to eliminate cellulite. In fact, only armed with coffee powder, we can mix their own concoctions, you know.

One of the most powerful method to eliminate cellulite is massage. With massage, blood circulation so more smoothly, and fat cells can more easily destroyed.

Meanwhile, research shows that the anti-cellulite cream is considered the most potent was that contains caffeine. Apparently caffeine can dilate blood vessels, so the circulation and blood flow more smoothly. Caffeine can also reduce the levels of accumulation of water, which is one cause terdorongnya fat to the skin and become cellulite.

These two facts be enough evidence to convince us that one of the most effective solution is to confront cellulite massage with herbs that contain caffeine. Here is the prescription.

Recipes 1
1 cup of fresh coffee grounds
1 egg white
1 tablespoon olive oil
Combine above ingredients and use to massage your body parts are berselulit. Massage with circular movements, then rinse. This herb can also be applied to cellulite, then 'wrap' these parts with plastic and let stand for 5-10 minutes. For optimal results, perform this ritual three times a week.

Recipe 2
1 / 4 cup of warm coffee grounds
1 tablespoon olive oil
Combine above ingredients, then smeared onto a loofah or wash cloth towel before massaging the Cellulite. Apply 2 times a week.

Recipe 3
Mix coffee grounds with liquid soap or body lotion. Apply to the body, let stand a few minutes, then rinse. Do it every day.

6 Color Skin Food is important for Brighter

6 Color Skin Food is important for Brighter
Useless to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for a skin-lightening products if they do not perform maintenance from the inside. With good nutrition, healthy skin and so it automatically looks brighter. Any foods that must be consumed so that the skin is no longer dark and dull?

1. Orange
All types of citrus fruits, including grapefruit, is a source of vitamin C that has many benefits for the skin. Vitamin C increases the production of collagen and elastin in our bodies, which serves to reduce wrinkles and prevent aging skin. He is also believed to slow the production of melanin, the pigment that makes skin appear darker. Try to consume fresh orange once a day. In addition to citrus, tomatoes are also a fruit rich in vitamin C.

2. Red and green vegetables
Spinach, carrots, broccoli, and his friends contain more beta-carotene functions as an antioxidant for the skin. In addition to preventing damage to cells, beta-carotene will be converted by the body into vitamin A which is useful to combat acne, produces new skin cells and make skin tones look brighter and younger. It would be better if we get vitamin A directly from food rather than vitamin supplements, since excess vitamin A can actually interfere with our health.

3. Fish
These water creatures are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are the main recipe for a bright brilliant skin. Additionally, consume sardines, tuna, or salmon are rich in protein can help protect skin from sun exposure and pollution. The protein contained in it helps the reproductive cells and make skin look radiant.

4. Avocado
Avocados are a source of vitamin E. It is useful to retard aging and cleanse the skin of any blemishes such as acne scars, dark spots, and other problems. Eating avocados regularly will also prevent the skin to sag with age.

5. Wheat
Can be obtained in the form of cereals and breads, wheat contains biotin which helps the body process fat cells. Biotin deficiency can cause dry skin and look dull.

6. Olive oil
The healthiest food for the skin? Fruit salad and vegetables sprinkled with olive oil for seasoning. These oils contain essential fatty acids to make skin look brighter, glowing and healthy.

Recognize Six Skin Diseases

Recognize Six Skin Diseases
The so-called "skin disease" is not just a skin fungus, ringworm, and scabies. There are several other disorders that can affect the skin. Six of the disease is most common. What kinds?

1. Rosacea
According to one study, at least 45 million people worldwide suffer from rosacea. But many of them are unaware of. Rosacea is characterized by patches of red in the face, small burst blood vessels and visible under the skin, bruntus bruntus-red, and eyes are often red / irritated. Most people rocasea is people with white skin, a face flush easily when exposed to sunlight, or while changing emotions (shame, sadness, anger, and so on). Until now still have not found what causes rosacea, and although not contagious, this disorder can not be cured.

Rosacea typically begins as redness on the central face across the cheeks, nose, or forehead, but can also less commonly affect the neck, chest, ears, and scalp.[5] In some cases, additional symptoms, such as semi-permanent redness, telangiectasia (dilation of superficial blood vessels on the face), red domed papules (small bumps) and pustules, red gritty eyes, burning and stinging sensations, and in some advanced cases, a red lobulated nose (rhinophyma), may develop.

2. Pimple
Disease this one certainly is no stranger to us. Whether in the form of blackheads on the nose or the annoying red bumps, skin disorder is caused by clogged pores oil. To find out how powerful eradicate acne, click on this link: Natural Ways to Fight Acne

3. Seborrhea
This name may be somewhat foreign to us. However, seborrhea usually affects the scalp, and had another name: dandruff. Seborrhea may also appear in other parts besides the scalp, face, ears, eyebrows, and even reproduction. Prevent seborrhea is actually not difficult, just make sure your skin is always clean and washed with mild soap.

4. Eczema
Although it can attack all people, eczema usually appears on the skin of babies or children under age 5. The disease is usually inherited genetically by parents. Different characteristics in each person, but usually characterized by dry skin, flushed, and very itchy. Usually affects the neck, inner elbow, inner knees, and ankles. Eczema can appear on the skin when stimulated by the ingredients of soap, cosmetics, clothes, detergent, or jewelry, which do not fit with the skin. In some severe cases, stress and temperature changes can also be one cause.

5. Skin cancer
Skin cancer is one of the most common type of cancer occurs. It is estimated that every year there are 1 million people who contracted the disease, and the number is increasing every year. The main cause of skin cancer is ultraviolet light (this is why wear sunscreen every day is very important), but it can also be caused by other factors such as burns, radiation therapy, organ transplantation, and genetic skin conditions such as albinism.

6. Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disorder that is not contagious, but very common. Sufferers of skin is usually red, dry, and thickened. People with mild psoriasis are often unaware of this disease, but in patients with severe, sometimes the entire body is covered by thick skin, redness, and rough. This disease can not be cured completely, but many patients who reported their condition improved after living in places with warmer temperatures.