Vaginal surgery

A woman’s look, or feel, in her vaginal and pubic region has a significant importance in a woman’s life. It is closely related to her self-esteem, and to the actual and expected excitement involved with her sexual life and desire.
Discomfort in a woman’s vaginal area can severely affects her psychological state.

Many women today seek cosmetic surgery solutions that will improve their look and feel in their pubic regions. Such solutions may include reconstruction (mostly tightening) of the vagina, cosmetic procedures in the labia (size-reduction and beautification), and others. Intimate Plastic Surgery corrects dysfunctions and improves the woman`s hidden aesthetics

As well, there is a growing demand today, mostly due to ethnic and religious requirements, to re-construct woman’s hymen.
In general, cosmetic vaginal surgeries may be divided in the following groups:
• Vaginoplasty (mainly vaginal tightening and muscle re-building)
• Labiaplasty (reducing and/or reshaping the external genital structures)
• Hymenoplasty (re-construction of the hymen, to a “near-virginity” state).

Birth-giving, aging, and genetic factors often cause the vaginal muscles to loosen and weaken, sometimes even tear. The diameter of the vagina gets bigger and there is a loss of feeling.

There are three main technical approaches in vaginal surgeries:
• Scalpel
• Laser
• Radiosurgical techniques

The candidate will consult her physician and the surgeon about the methods the surgeon uses in vaginal procedures. Each technique has its advantages, and it all depends on the expert surgeon’s experience and the specific patient’s needs and preference.

Most patients are very happy after vaginal tightening surgery. Their regained vaginal muscle tone significantly improves their quality of life in general, and the quality of their intimate sex-life in particular.

Careful assessment of signs and symptoms, along with an in-depth clinical examination, will be made before any surgical decision. As well, any existing vaginal disease or infection will be diagnosed and treated before proceeding into cosmetic surgery.

According to the scientific medical paper of Masters and Johnson, sexual gratification is directly related to the amount of frictional forces generated. It is not, however, a solution for sexual dysfunction, lack of interest or arousal, or orgasmic inadequacy.

Labiaplasty can be combined with other cosmetic surgeries. Most women who wish to undergo labiaplasty also choose tummy tucks and liposuction procedures in parallel.

1 Response to "Vaginal surgery"

  1. Unknown says:

    I am still waiting to take a pregnancy test, but I was just wondering has any other women experienced vaginal Tightening during very early pregnancy?

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