Are You Sensitive Skin? How to Take care of him?

Are You Sensitive Skin? How to Take care of him?

If you often experience pain in the skin when applying the product, dry and itchy skin suddenly without cause, or susceptible to irritation, it could be your skin is sensitive. Let's find out more about sensitive skin and how to care for her. \

When you try a new moisturizer, facial skin suddenly reddened and sore. While in cold areas, your skin is so dry and itchy Extra. After dilulur, your body skin irritation. Well, it means you have sensitive skin and require different treatments. But do not worry, the fix is ​​not difficult, provided you've provided enough information about sensitive skin.

According to a dermatologist, have sensitive skin outer layer of skin thinner. As a result, the response was so nervous point higher. Our nervous easily react to things no matter how small.

There are many causes of skin to be sensitive: environmental factors (including ultraviolet light, wind, heat, cold, pollution, and humidity), irritation from the use of products (cosmetics, soaps, lotions, etc.), or even fabrics that do not fit for the skin.

Did not have sensitive skin feels uncomfortable, but you're not alone. An estimated 69 percent of women and 64 percent of men feel their skin is sensitive, especially in the face. Most of them are people who often feel tired, stressed, and under pressure.

When the body feels stress, nerve endings in the skin layer will remove the chemicals that cause the pain and redness of the skin. This is why it is so important to pamper yourself, both in the spa, with yoga, or simply relaxing at home while reading a favorite book.

1. Treat your skin like a baby's skin to be treated extra carefully. That does not mean you have to wear baby products, but choose the product that is soft and made specifically for sensitive skin.
2. Stay away from products that contain perfumes.
3. Products labeled "non-comedogenic" are also good for you.
4. Before trying a new product, apply first on the inside of your wrist, and let stand for 24 hours. If the skin is smeared turns red, it means the product is not suitable for you.
5. Do not use a loofah while bathing.
6. Leave the body scrubs.
7. Stay away from places with extreme temperatures.

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