Hymenoplasty, Dapatkah Mengembalikan Keperawanan?

Hymenoplasty, Dapatkah Mengembalikan Keperawanan?

Hymen atau selaput dara bukanlah indikator mutlak keperawanan seorang gadis. Selaput dara bisa saja sudah robek tetapi si gadis masih perawan, atau sebaliknya, selaput dara tidak robek padahal si gadis sudah tidak perawan. Hal ini bisa terjadi karena definisi "tidak perawan" adalah pernah melakukan hubungan seksual dengan lawan jenis, tidak peduli apakah selaput daranya robek atau tidak.

Hymen adalah lapisan mukosa yang mengelilingi atau menutupi sebagian dari muara vagina. Lapisan tersebut, seperti halnya mukosa vagina, juga mempunyai pembuluh darah dan pembuluh saraf. Oleh sebab itu, robekan pada hymen seringkali diikuti dengan perdarahan dan rasa nyeri.

Pada saat seorang gadis baru memasuki usia sekolah, selaput dara masih tipis dan bahkan hampir tembus cahaya. Oleh karena itu, pada usia ini, selaput dara lebih mudah mengalami robekan, terutama akibat olahraga seperti berkuda, bersepeda, atau senam.

Setelah pubertas, akibat pengaruh hormon estrogen, hymen akan sedikit menebal dan berwarna merah muda. Tapi perlu diingat bahwa ketebalan, bentuk, dan elastisitas hymen berbeda-beda pada setiap wanita.

Belakangan ini berkembang teknik operasi untuk mereparasi hymen yang terlanjur robek. Baik akibat kecelakaan maupun karena hubungan seksual. Teknik operasi tersebut disebut hymenoplasty.

Tujuan hymenoplasty adalah mengembalikan hymen seperti keadaan sebelum terjadinya robekan. Biasanya dilakukan karena alasan moral, budaya atau sosial.

Hymenoplasty termasuk operasi kecil. Biasanya dilakukan dengan bius lokal atau sedasi. Teknik operasinya ada dua macam, yaitu simple hymenoplasty dan alloplant.

Simple hymenoplasty dilakukan jika selaput dara hanya mengalami robekan dan masih ada yang tersisa. Pada bagian yang robek, dilakukan penjahitan, biasanya dengan benang yang dapat diserap, sehingga selaput dara kembali ke bentuknya semula.

Tetapi, jika selaput dara sudah rusak berat atau hilang sehingga tidak mungkin lagi dijahit, operasinya dengan teknik alloplant. Pada alloplant, dilakukan pemasangan selaput dara buatan.

Berikutnya timbul pertanyaan. Apakah seorang yang telah menjalani operasi hymenoplasty menjadi perawan kembali? Jawabannya adalah, jika kita merujuk kepada definisi "tidak perawan" di awal tulisan ini, hymenoplasty tidak mengembalikan keperawanan.

Hymenoplasty Related Terms:
Body Procedures, Cosmetic Surgery, Labiaplasty, Plastic Surgery, Skin Procedures, Surgeon, Vaginal Rejuvenation, Vaginal Surgery, Vaginaplasty, Vaginoplasty, Vulva Surgery

What Is Hymenoplasty?

There are two types of hymenoplasty - simple hymenoplasty – a repair of a torn hymen by sewing the remnants together, if the remnants are present. The other is a reconstruction of a new hymen from patient’s own tissues. Reconstructions of the hymen using alloplants or biomaterials that can be torn through is no longer done. Hymenoplasty is the restoration of the hymen to its original “virgin” state. It is referred to as hymen repair surgery, hymen restoration, hymen reconstruction or hymen tightening.

The hymen is a mucous membrance that partially covers the external opening of the vagina. It can have many shapes. It can look like a crescent with a curve border, it can have a straight border and cover half the opening of the vagina or three quarters, it can cover the whole opening and have many small perforations in it, it can also be in a form of a band going across the opening. Other shapes include a total covering with a star type opening or a trianglular shapes can also occur. Thus the size and shape of the hymen varies. Some females can be born without a hymen although it is extremely rare. Others can have a very thick hymen that must be opened by surgery. Often estrogen creams are applied right after birth to thin out a very thick hymen if it is noticed in the newborn. It must be noted that the hymen must have a perforation in it, to allow for any discharge or menstruation to pass through. Thus it is never left as a solid structure. Once the hymen is broken it does not heal spontaneously but must be reconstructed if one wants to have one.

Hymen repair requires the use of adjacent tissue to be sewn into the very same spot where the original hymen was. A Hymenoplasty is not necessary but usually requested either to fulfill ones wish to look like a virgin in a traditional wedding or on first encounters with a new mate. Hymenoplasty can be performed any time after the hymen has been ruptured.

A hymen can be torn during sexual intercourse, or as a result of horseback riding, tampon use, biking or other exercise or activities such as gymnastics. Many women seek to undergo a hymenoplasty for religious, ethnic or cultural reasons. An intact hymen is a symbol of virginity and sexual purity and innocence and is required in some traditional weddings.

In some cultures and religions, it is imperative that the woman be a virgin when she is married. Her hymen will literally determine her future prospects of marriage and could impact her family’s reputation. The woman, in that type of an atmosphere knows that her having an intact hymen will impact her social and economic future. Her husband can punish his new bride, or even abandon her if she lies about her virginity. If she is not a virgin at marriage then it is a sign of disrespect for her future husband and his family.

Typically a hymenoplasty can be performed on an outpatient basis with the patient under local anaesthesia with some sedation. The procedure lasts about one hour. Hymenoplasty heals well and one cannot tell that it is not the original hymen. The hymen heals without scars. Generally the patient can return to work the day after surgery and the hymen should be healed within six weeks. Sexual activity if undertaken after six weeks from the procedure will simulate breaking a hymen of a virgin. The first time intercourse will result in bleeding and/or discomfort and pain as the new hymen is torn again.

Hymenectomy should be done by an experienced surgeon whom you have researched as to his credentials. The hymen repair is a delicate and very personal surgery and you and your surgeon should discuss it fully before undergoing the procedure. You should also feel comfortable with your surgeon and discuss your reasons, fears and hopes as related to hymen reconstruction. Costs can range from a price as low as $2500 to as high as $5,000. Some women combine this type of surgery with other vaginal or labial surgery so that they can feel really good about themselves when they have recovered knowing that their sexuality has been determined by them.

What hymenoplasty actually is? How many types of the procedure?

What hymenoplasty actually is? How many types of the procedure?

Can we tell the different between the hymen of the virgin (haven't had any intercourse) with the hymen of the result of hymenoplasty?

Is hymenoplasty actually legal? Is it dangerous?
Hymenoplasty is a sexist, misogynist farce, which is of NO benefit to women, and only exists because of the prevalence of myths about the hymen and virginity, and because some cultures still put a high value on the pain and discomfort of women as something good. Hymenoplasty -- the "restoration" of the hymen, a piece of tissue which women do not need, and which offers them no sexual benefits will cause a woman to have pain and bleeding afterwards when intercourse occurs. I am not going to go into the way the procedure is done because a) it sickens me and b) this is outside our scope.

Many women who have not had vaginal intercourse do not have fully intact hymens: the hymen wears away, over time, due to a number of factors, not merely intercourse. For those who have fully intact hymens -- a rarity -- at first intercourse, intercourse is painful if not impossible. So, if you have the idea that all women who have not had vaginal intercourse have a fully intact hymen, you're quite mistaken.
I have a question Heather about that if you don't mind. Hope its okay if I post it there. I know this isn't a subject you particularly like, me neither, but I'm a little curious about something.

I agree 100 % with you but I was wondering if hymenoplasty restore the entire hymen, if it gives a woman an intact hymen or a partial hymen. To me, the answer would be an intact hymen since most people often associate virginity with intact hymen although it doesn't really exist except for a few exceptions who will need a small surgery.

But how can a women menstruate with that restored hymen (if it is intact) if there's no hole in it ? I mean unless she's getting her hymenoplasty right before she has sex or few weeks before that, the hymen seems to occasionnate a problem per menstrual flow no ? Or it will break and not stay intact? It just doesn't make sense to me.
It's not pleasurable at all for the women.

The women who do it either due because of cultural pressures in certain areas to have to bleed at first intercourse/marriage (and some of those cultural pressures literally can endanger their lives if it is thought they are not virgins, no matter how misinformed it is to base that on bleeding), or because someone's husband/pboyfriend fetishizes antiquated ideas about hymens and virginity.

So, no, for thw women it is not exciting. But some men fetishize this, and to them -- no matter that it causes women pain and discomfort -- it is exciting.

Which is why I'd prefer not to even talk about this, because like anything else where women's suffering is a turn-on for someone, as a woman, as an advocate for women, it tends to result in making me terribly sad and angry.
The attitude of treating woman as an object of sexual pleasure or as object in other means may result in various means of abuse. However, I think there are other reasons why a lot of people fancy the virginity concept and obsess about hymen. It is also not necessarily because of the feeling to own woman, in fact most guys ( at least in Asia ) don’t really understand why it is hard for them to accept woman that is no longer virgin. They call the non-virgin woman “been used” or “secondhand”, deep inside their mind they feel non-virgin woman is not as valuable as before when she was still virgin. I think this kind of mind is flawed, in any sexual activities including sexual intercourse, when it is enjoyable by the two without any pressure, both the woman and the man, no one is being used. Woman is passively active, and man is actively passive, none of them really passive or active. Hence, to be fair, non-virgin man also eligible to be called “been used” or “secondhand”

They are guys that treat woman as object, and they have a great satisfaction when having sexual intercourse with virgin woman and after that they dump the woman, they have this feeling of marking woman (something very similar with ownership), and they take proud of breaking a woman’s hymen. This feeling of marking woman also doesn’t make sense. I used to understand that kind of feelings, but since I have thought out this matter carefully, asking a lot of why, suddenly now I lost that feelings, I don’t understand it, weird. Maybe a lot of guys fancy virginity concept because they don’t really think and analyze their feelings, instead they let themselves become the victims of social conditioning. Hymen is really nothing to be adored of, if hymen will give so much pain to a woman, it is even better to remove the hymen surgically when she was born. When a female reach adult age, it is natural to have a sexual desire, and to have a sexual intercourse is her basic right, just like eating or peeing, and hymen could be just like an “obstacle” in a sexual intercourse for her(while not necessarily so). Why a man that have slept with a lot woman is highly respected while a woman that have slept with a lot of man is highly condemned while it is the exactly the same equal basic right for man and woman to fulfill their sexual drive?

And the media; newspaper, television, magazines, etc (at least again here in Asia), boosting up the virginity concept, influencing a lot of people, males and females to think that virginity (hymen related or not) is a super sacred matters. The act of making love itself is sacred but not the organs that we have. A lot of females here in Asia also “think” too much of their virginity and make sacred their hymen, a lot of women here once they are not virgin anymore, they tend to be too clingy and attached toward their partner, although they actually know that their partner is very abusive and no good to them, this situation is quite pathetic I guess.

How Hymenoplasty Surgery Works

From hymenoplastysurgery.org this video is an interview with a anonymous woman about her experiences with the hymenoplasty surgery.

How Hymenoplasty Surgery Works from Rinderle Faddis on Vimeo.

If you are looking for the hymenoplasty surgeons then you are in the right place. This website was created to connect individuals looking for surgeons who performed this procedure to doctors in their area. The hymenoplasty procedure is a very sensitive and delicate procedure that should be handled by a surgeon that knows what they are doing and has proven track record of restoring the hymen to the patients satisfaction.This is where hymenoplastysurgeons.org comes into play. Our website manually seeks out hymenoplasty surgeons and connects you with surgeons in your area that we think would be a good fit.

We understand that hymen restoration is a very sensitive topic and one can be slightly confused in trying to understand the hymenoplasty procedure and where to find a surgeon. We hope your visit to this website will help answers all of your questions that you have about the procedure including: costs, locations, hymenoplasty surgeons and complications involved.

Hymenoplasty; Phenomenon of Modern Femininity

Hymen surgery or hymenoplasti gathering popularity in Makassar. This is a big city phenomenon. This is the consequence of life that the more advanced and free. We are suddenly faced with a reality - that goes on around us and very bad.Ada what with our generation. There is a norm that is missing. With hymenoplasti phenome

non, we seemed to realize, among our youth is a very fragile bond. The issue is taboo for teenagers is a while ago.

Indeed hymenoplasti is not new for large urban communities. This is a long time. But for the religious community in Makassar, this issue remains taboo, whatever the reason of hymenoplasti it. This is a big problem for the city who care about the development of young people. Or, this is indeed the consequence of a growing city?
Plastic surgeon visited by many women. In addition there is also a coming hymenoplasti to vaginoplasti. They are aware of having the hymen is already torn or sagging due to have given birth, race to be patient. Within 20 minutes, their confidence will come back because they feel has been returned to its original shape.

This is the state of some communities in Makassar, especially women. We realized, there is a group of people who lost faith in himself. There are some people who want more out of what they earn. They do not care, pay a few great to restore that trust.

This is indeed an individual's personal rights. Doing hymenoplasti or vaginoplasti is the right of each individual. During this time, surgery is still regarded as a natural thing.

However, once again, something is missing in our communities. There are limits that have been bypassed. After all, it is fitting, something that is naturally much better than a fake. After all, honesty is much better than falsehood.

Who can deny the ability of current technology? All can be done. Included is a vital tool affairs. Indeed, developments in the medical field it is the invention to be grateful. But it also turns out there is worth its limits.

Tag: feminisme, fungsi selaput dara, hymen, hymenoplasty, keperawanan, operasi keperawanan, operasi selaput dara, selaput dara, biaya-hymenoplasty, hymenoplasty, hymenoplasty-video, hymenoplasty-foto, biaya vaginoplasti, hymenoplasty-di-indonesia, Biaya-vaginoplasti, hymenoplasty-di-makassar, hymenoplasty-di-indonesia-video, discussion-text, hymenoplasty biaya, hymenoplasty-google-video, hymenoplasty-palsu, waktu-yang-diperlukan-untuk-hymenoplasty, Vaginal-Surgery

Plastic Surgery Prices and Procedures

Women have a huge menu of cosmetic procedures from which to choose. Some of the plastic surgeries can cost as high as $10,000, while other non-surgical procedures can be done for as little as a few hundred dollars.

We asked a few highly qualified cosmetic surgeons who specialize in plastic surgery for women to provide some pricing examples for the most common female plastic surgery procedures. Their answers can be found below.

- Labiaplasty (female genital surgery)
Average Prices: $3,500 -$4,000 for both pectorals
Labiaplasty has steadily grown in popularity and dropped in price over the past ten years. Women with fatty, long or hanging vaginal lips / genitals are candidates for labiaplasty. Some women have always had very noticeable labia, whereas others develop the problem after having children, or as they get older. Labiaplasty is a form of vaginal rejuvenation. It can restore confidence as well as enhance sexual pleasure in some women.

- Hymenoplasty (reconstructs the hymen)
Average Prices: $2,500 - $3,500 for both pectorals
More About This Surgery > Click here
Hymenoplasty - hymen restoration / repair - is performed most often on young women who want the surgery for cultural or religious reasons. The hymen can be torn by accident in a fall, by the use of tampons, masturbation or sexual intercourse, as it is a very thin membrane of skin located in the lower 1/3 of the vagina, at the spot where the vulvovaginal bulbs fuse with the mullerian ducts.

- Vaginoplasty (vaginal rejuvenation and tightening)
Average Prices: $6,000 - $9,000
Vaginoplasty (vaginal rejuvenation) is another female cosmetic surgery procedure that has risen in popularity and dropped in price over the last five years. It involves tightening the vaginal muscles, and often includes labiaplasty (see above). The higher price range represents this added procedure. Women who have gone through multiple childbirths are often the best candidates for this procedure.

- Botox Injections
Average Price Per Treatment: $500
Botox treatment involves the injection of botulinum toxin, usually into the facial area, which temporarily reduces or eliminates wrinkles such as frown lines, crows feed, laugh lines, and forehead creases by blocking the nerve impulses, which temporarily paralyze the muscles that cause such wrinkles. Some studies suggest that Botox may be beneficial in relieving some forms of migraine headaches. Although a single Botox injection can cost as little as $300, treatment usually involves many injections over time.

- Breast Augmentation (Implant / Enlargement)
Average Price of Surgery: $5,500 - $7,000
More on Breast Englargement at Finesse Aesthetics
Breast implants can enhance the size and shape of breasts and is sometimes combined with a breast lift (see below) for maximum effectiveness. You may have to choose between silicone and saline implants, but the cost is not considerably different either way. You may also have to choose between sub-glandular and sub-muscular implantation. Discuss the pros and cons of each with your plastic surgeon.

- Breast Mastectomy (Reduction / Removal / Reconstruction)
Average Price of Surgery: $5,000 - $6,000
The price range varries because a reduction mammoplasty is not the same thing as a removal or reconstruction of the breast (mastectomy). Mastectomies are most often performed on women who have or have gone through breast cancer. Breast reduction is a choice made by women who wish to reduce the size of their breast due to back pain and other reasons. Both involve removing tissue from the breasts, and are similarly priced procedures.

- Mastopexy (Breast Lift)
Average Surgery Prices: $3,000 - $4,500
More on breast lifts by Dr. Aycock
Breast lifts are often an alternative to breast implants for women who want the appearance of larger, perkier breasts - or fot those who just want to turn back the clock on gravity. Breast lifts are also commonly performed along with implant surgery. The best candidates for breast lift surgery are women with small, sagging breasts - especially those who do not plan on having another child. Breasts of any size can be lifted, but the results may not be as permanent for women with heavy breasts.

- Rhytidectomy (Face Lift)
Average Price: $4,500 - $5,500
Although the average cost of a facelift was around $5,000, it is not uncommon for highly respected surgeons to charge upwards of $10,000 after all costs (including anesthesia and hospital fees) are taken into account. A face lift can not stop the aging process, but can often make women look up to 10 years younger by reducing the appearance of lines and sagging skin around the eyes, cheeks, chin and neck.

- Chemical Peel
Average Prices: $ 300 - $2,000
A chemical peel uses a chemical solution to remove the damaged outer layers of the skin and expose the smoother, new skin underneath. Common chemicals used in chemical peels include Phenol, alphahydroxy acids and trichloroacetic acid. The reason the cost of a chemical peel varries so greatly has to do with the difference between a mild peel and full facial deep peels. Mild chemical peels are more common, so you should expect to be closer to the lower end of the cost spectrum.

- Injectable Fillers (Collagen / Restylane)
Average Prices: $300 - $350
Injectable fillers are often used to plump up the lips, cheeks, and other areas of the face. They are sometimes used in conjunction with other facial rejuvenation treatments, such as microdermabrasion or laser skin resurfacing (see below). Collagen is a very popular injectable filler when used for that "pouty lips" look. The cost per injection is affordable, but fillers are not permanent and must be re-injected about every six-eight months.

- Dermabrasion (skin resurfacing / rejuvenation)
Average Price: $1,000 - $3,000
Dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, and skin resurfacing are all used to obtain the same effect as a chemical peel in that they remove the aged top layer of skin to expose a new, smooth layer underneath. There are some differences, however. For instance, dermabrasion can be used to lessen the appearance of scars from previous surgeries, accidents, chicken pox or acne and can go much deeper than a chemical peel. Depending on the deepness and surface area to be removed, you can get dermabrasion for as little as $1,000 and only require one treatment. However, you may also require treatments that cost as high as $3,000 with multiple sessions. Discuss your options with a cosmetic surgeon to find out if dermabrasion or microdermabrasion is right for you. And don't forget to ask if health insurance covers the procedure, as it sometimes will in cases of growths and scar tissue.

- Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)
Average Price: $1,500 - $3,000
Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) is a surgical procedure that removes fat and excess skin from the upper and lower eyelids. Patients with drooping eye lids and bags under their eyes are the most common benefactors of this surgery. The price range reflects the difference in cost between doing your upper eyelids only, or both upper and lower eye lids.

- Facial Implants (chin/cheek)
Average Price: $1,500 - $2,500
Chin implants and cheek implants are used to improve the contours of the face for those who wish to have higher cheeks or a more prominent chin. The augmentation is usually performed using a silicone or Porex implant. Each procedure has its own unique benefits and risks, which you should discuss with your cosmetic surgeon.

- Browlift or Forehead Lift
Average Price: $2,500 - $3,000
A forehead lift (also known as a browlift) is a cosmetic surgery procedure used to rejuvenate the appearance of the face due to drooping brows, furrows, wrinkles and worry lines that make a person appear to be angry, tired or sad. This is why brow lifts often result in noticeable positive reactions from others who are used to seeing you this way. Patients often report friends, co-workers and family saying that they can't quite place what the difference is, but that they look less stressed, in a better mood, or like they just got back from vacation.

- Laser Skin resurfacing
Average Price: $2,000
Like chemical peels and dermabrasion, laser skin resurfacing removes the outer layer of the skin (along with blemishes, lines and age-related imperfections) to reveal a the smoother, new layer underneath. See above for more information on dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, and laser skin resurfacing.

- Liposuction (liposplasty)
Average Price: $2,500 - $8,000
The price of liposuction on women is usually more than it costs men. This is because women have a higher body fat percentage, and the fat deposits in multiple areas. While male liposuction usually involves removal of fatty tissue from the stomach and love handles, women commonly require liposuction of the lower arms, stomach, love handles, buttocks and thighs. Because every woman collects fatty deposits in different areas, this is reflected in the varied price range above.

- Rhinoplasty (nose job)
Average Price: $3,000 - $4,000
Rhinoplasty (nose surgery, nosejob...) reduces, enlarges or changes the shape of the nose, and is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. The best candidates for rhinoplasty are those who are looking for improvement - not perfection - on the shape of their nose. Because the nose is one of the last parts of the body to stop growing, it is advised that patients wait until they are at least 21 before getting this surgery. The cost of some rhinoplasty procedures (especially those related to septum defects) may be covered by your health insurance.

- Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
Average Price: $500 - $800
More information about tummy tucks soon...

- Otoplasty (ear surgery)
Average Price: $500 - $800
More information about ear surgery soon...

- Buttocks Augmentation (Butt Lift / Butt Implants)
Average Price: $500 - $800
More information about butt implants and buttock augmentation soon...

- Laser Hair Removal
Average Price: $500 - $800
More information about laser hair removal soon...
- Gynecomastia (male breast tissue) Removal
Average Prices: $2,000 -$3,000 for both pectorals
It is not uncommon for men to develop breast tissue, especially during puberty, times of rapid weight gain, after age fifty, or when taking anabolic steroids. Cases range from small, pea-sized lumps to very noticeable, sagging breast tissue (sometimes called by the unfortunate name 'bitch tits'). Because gynecomastia requires surgery, the smaller, less noticeable cases may want to save their money and avoid the risks by not getting it removed. However, these people should speak to a physician (possibly an endocrinologist) to determine the cause of their condition in order to keep it from progressing.

- Pectoral Implants (pecs / chest implantation)
Average Prices: $6,000 - $7,000 for both pectorals
This surgery is popular among bodybuilders and male models who, despite their best efforts, can not develop their chest to the level of the rest of their physique. Most of us is born with good body parts and bad body parts. If your chest is one of those areas that lags behind the rest of your body, pectoral implants may be something you consider. This surgery can keep you out of the gym for a month or more, although you are usually out of the hospital on the same day.

- Rhinoplasty (nose job surgery)
Average Prices: $4,000 - $6,000
Rhinoplasty can be a very complicated procedure, which is why the price varies so much. One thing you will want to discuss is whether the plastic surgery procedure will be open or closed surgery. In an open rhinoplasty, the septum (skin between the nostrils) is cut to allow easier access. In a closed rhinoplasty, this is not cut, which allows faster healing time with less pain.

- Testicular Implant
Average Price of Surgery: $3,500
The primary reason men get testicular implants is if one or both of their testicles have been removed due to testicular cancer or trauma to the area (you should have been nicer to your ex-girlfriend - j/k). This procedure can restore the aesthetics and symmetry of the testicular area, but not the functionality.

- Otoplasty (Ear surgery / Ear pinning)
Average Price of Surgery: $3,500
Otoplasty is the few plastic surgery procedures that is performed more frequently on children than it is on adults. Boys, in particular, are prone to having larger than desired ears, or ears that stick out too far. In some cases the ear cartilage is trimmed or removed, while other cases involve pinning the ear cartilage with permanent sutures to pull it in closer to the head, which makes the ear appear smaller. Either way, the patient is usually home by dinner.

- Chin Augmentation or Chin Implants
Average Price of Surgery: $3,500
Chin reduction, augmentation or implantation involves reducing the size of the chin, or - more commonly - inserting an implant to increase the chin's size or define the jaw line. This surgery has the benefit of scars being visible only on the inside of your mouth where the incision is made.

- Penis Enlargement (Phalloplasty)
Average Surgery Prices: $4,500 | $5,500 | $8,500
The one you've all been waiting for, penis enlargement surgery differs in price depending on whether the plastic surgeon is thickening, lengthening, or both. Average prices above are in that order.

- Laser Hair Removal
Average Price: $2,500
Hair is the bane of man's existence. We're either trying to get rid of it or trying to grow more of it, and it always ends up migrating away from the right places in favor of the wrong places as we age. The price above is an average price for laser hair removal on the back, which is the most common area among men. The price includes multiple sessions and the result is semi-permanent.

- Hair Implantation (hair implants)
Average Prices: $ 1,500 - $10,000
Hair implants (hair plugs) are the most difficult price to nail down. Sorry, but until you go in and show the doctor what he/she is dealing with, there is no real way to tell how much it is going to cost. But let's assume that $1,500 is just patching up a bare spot in the lawn, while the high cost of $10,000 is laying down a new layer of turf over most of the yard.

- Laser Tattoo Removal
Average Prices: $1,000 - $3,000
The price of laser tattoo removal depends on how much tattoo there is to remove, and how dark the ink is. If you don't have a full tribal sleeve or back mural to take off, expect to pay somewhere in the middle of those two numbers. You can get a little cartoon character removed for $1,000 or maybe even less. Payments are usually made per session, and the amount of sessions depend on the factors above.

- Liposuction
Average Prices: $2,500 - $3,500
Other than breast tissue (see above) the most common areas on which a man develops unwanted fat deposits are the stomach and love handles. The price of liposuction if you are just getting some hard-to-lose love handles removed can be as little as $1,500. Typically, however, the stomach and love handles are done at the same time, which can cost as much as $5,000.

- Microdermabrasion (skin sanding)
Average Price: $500 - $800
I'm sure the dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons would hate to see me calling it "skin sanding" but that's basically what microdermabrasion is. The doctor sand blasts a layer of skin off your face (or other body part) to expose a new, collagen-rich, pock-mark and acne-scar free, smooth surface underneath. It sounds bad, but really it is one of the least problematic procedures, and is also the cheapest. The prices above include the average amount of sessions (5-7). Men are attracted to this procedure because it can remove "pock marks" from childhood chicken pocks or serious acne as a teenager.

The relationship between hymen and Virginity

Hymen and Its Effect on Virginity
Early in the 19th century, women are described to be religious, pure, and submissive. During that time, the society places a woman on a certain pedestal and is obliged to remain pure and chaste. Now in the present time, women are empowered. They can do everything a man can do. They involve in a lot of extreme activities not even thought of before.

The Virginity Concept
People of long ago require a woman to preserve her innocence until after she found the right man to marry. It is regarded as her treasure, and she has to protect it at all times. Even an assault should not lead her to giving herself in. And she must not give it to the wrong person. She must, in all her power, resist any temptations and should never stray near temptations.

In the middle ages, a woman is still a virgin if her hymen is still intact. The hymen is the tissue or membrane that is located around the vagina. Once the hymen is torn or stretched, the woman is simply not a virgin any longer.

Breaking the Hymen
Hymens are relatively soft tissues and can be broken lot of other ways than having sexual intercourse. Several other reasons are known to break the hymen. A woman's hymen may be different from each another, in shape and in size. Some women are born without hymen. Some have it either too thin or too thick that it covers the whole vagina.

One of the traditional causes of breaking the hymen is through horseback riding. If you horseback a lot then chances are, your hymen could have been broken. This is the reason why only men can ride a horse before. Women are supposed to use a carriage. But as time went by, women learned how to ride a horse themselves. There are a lot of equestriennes out there better than their male counterpart.

Certain sports can also damage the hymen. Gymnastics and high jump are some examples. We all have seen a good gymnast perform on a floor exercise. She moves as if her bones are made of jelly. With all those muscles stretched out, she most probably has a stretched her hymen as well.

Several medical procedures can also tear the hymen. Pap smear is one, and so does other procedures that require an instrument inserted through a woman's vagina. If you undergo such a treatment, the hymen ripping is a possibility.

The Cultural Scenario
In some cultures a high consideration is placed on a woman's hymen as the sole indicator of her sexual purity. Given the reasons above, this is indeed a poor method of determining the virginity of a woman. Even medical experts don't entirely agree to the idea. And it is really unfair to the part of the woman.

Virginity should be an emotional and a psychological thing, not purely physical. Virginity is a virtue. Only a woman and her whole being should answer to that, not just her one negligible body part.

It is but the culture that implies a woman's virginity to be decided upon the hymen. A lot of feminist groups and even medical organizations are all working together enlighten the public about the facts and the fallacies behind hymens. It is through hope, that in the near future, tightly knit conservative places would embrace the whole hymen concept and eventually transform their way of thinking.

Hymenoplasty restore the torn virginity

Hymenoplasty restore the torn virginity

Trends in urban communities is now increasing. Not only are willing to spend a lot of money to beautify the outward appearance, but also the most intimate body parts, such as vaginal surgery. With the operation called vaginoplasti, your crown was transformed back like a virgin, so that having sex was again beautiful. Really?

Some times delivery often makes women feel worried. Worry if after the baby weighing 2 to 3.5 kg of sex organs become stretched, loose, and then having sex with the husband was no longer satisfactory. Whereas satisfaction is very important in sex.

Sexual intercourse is one of the main needs of husband and wife. When you become bland and lazy to do it, over time will certainly affect the harmony. Then, it's easy to guess, what are the negative things that could happen. This is one of them had feared

Women will realize nothing has changed after she gave birth to 3 children. Not appearance. As a woman certainly can come to beauty salons to maintain her physical appearance. A beautiful woman with smooth face and body very well maintained. After all, he says should be operating "inside." When I was one of two children, is actually the inside has begun to change, but began more pronounced after 3 children were born "the official said one woman who would tell his experience.

Her husband, a businessman, initially did not complain. He himself also felt completely ignored. However, when the frequency of intercourse become scarce, which previously could be 2 times every touch and then to 1 time, and even then only for a while he began to worry. "I am aware that names the husband-wife relationship is also the main requirement. So, I then introspect why the hell I really do not feel satisfied longer, my husband also seemed so" he said.

One was thinking, is this problem lest intimate organ. "I think about anything. Vaginal discharge, vaginal discharge but I do not really. What lubrication (the fluid that comes out sex organs during arousal) my excessive. Yes really, but if not no lubrication is it sore, so what?" he added bluntly. After thinking about various possibilities, he took conclusion, problematic intimate organ. "I was browsing the internet and found that the vagina could have been widened, especially in women who have given birth, and then I consult a doctor.

Meanwhile, another woman said to feel intimate organ 'changed' after giving birth to his second daughter. Initially, after giving birth she was afraid of having sex, let alone sensitive organs are experiencing episiotomy stitches (stitching the vagina from tearing after childbirth). "Once again a 'normal' and started having sex, uh, really taste the difference" she laughed, loose when imitating her husband's question.

Communication between her and her husband were quite open, making this an active woman, just enjoy responding to complaints that the father of two daughters. "That's two of us, always talking about anything, including about sexuality. Therefore, I then find out, what should I do yes. Well, from my friends know about cleaning the vagina until this operation" he said casually.

In fact, satisfaction in sexual intercourse is number one. Various means will be married couple in order to get that beautiful pleasure. And in fact, in a clinic Couples, interest in women for intimate organ repair is quite high. For what? was more for the satisfaction of the husband.

Should Vaginoplasti?
Vaginoplasti not only be the current trend of urban women, but it was seen as a necessary for every woman. "I am a man looking at this operation is important. Especially when the wife of a normal delivery and a baby who weighs over 3.5 kilos or more.

The move should be taken, especially if during the process of giving birth using the help of tools such as vacuum, vacuum baby. This vacuum can make the vaginal muscles getting saggy. Kendornya vagina to the wife, would be felt directly by the husband. Usually they complain because sa'at intercourse had not felt lost interest again.

While the complaints usually come from the husband who was not getting satisfaction when dealing with the wife, because the vaginal opening is loose due to give birth several times. Many of my patients case like that. They confide in husband complains because the husband-wife relationship is not as beautiful as the first. Therefore they decided to do vaginoplasti.

Vaginoplasti actually is an act to repair muscle tissue. "We gave birth to a network that stretched like rubber pants. With vaginoplasti, the network is cut, then sealed again edges Obviously the doctor. Cut no means eliminated, but shaped to look more beautiful and petite." This operation is usually performed on women who already menopause and for those who decide not to add more children.

Operating out the vaginal opening
Making Vagina Surgery
Initially, according to plastic surgeon, reconstruction and aesthetic surgery, vaginoplasti actually intended to make a hole for those who do not have a vagina. And in its development can also be done because the patient is looking in terms of aesthetics, so he wants her vagina looks like a beautiful small and not yet given birth.

The case of women who do not have a vagina is rare. Usually the disorder was caused by genetic factors due to chromosomal abnormalities. When getting married, we did this vaginoplasti operation. Most women, allegedly did not have knowledge about the vagina, so often they do not know what to do to improve the condition of intimate organ. "Here it is essential learning about the vagina. The women must learn to care about the condition of her vagina. Like how long the canal, have a hole or not? With so to find a way out.

In fact generally the parents are also not aware if her daughter had no vaginal opening. It was only when the child enters puberty knew. "That's because they were confused when the child is aged 16-17 years really has not been menstruating as their peers. Then they just took him to the doctor.

Now, when carried out examination she had no vagina. For cases like this, vaginoplasty do when he will marry. The goal, of course, for to having sex to satisfy my dear husband. "If children are not likely to, because people who do not have a vaginal birth, they do not get a period."

For women who have a normal vagina, will do it for aesthetic reasons. For example, because the birth process to make the size of the abnormal vagi na. It happened because when the baby is about to exit, forced pussy torn to memermudah way out. "Because it should be torn episiotomy stitches. Sometimes if the doctor or midwife is not skilled can lead to infection and cause open wounds.

Especially for women who elahirkan in Paraji (shaman), which are not sewn so that there are times when its network into a hardened scar tissue. "When done vaginoplasti then the network is discarded. But if the network is still good not to be scrapped.

Suggested surgery is performed if the couple had decided not to have another child. For, if there are still plans add child, certainly more likely to experience tearing and surgery becomes redundant.

Objectives for the repair because there is belief if then 'feel' your crown will be like before having children, even though again virgin again. Really? Because, after surgery, the vagina becomes smaller holes, so that when having sex, penetration can occur even better. Of course, if there is an orgasm, satisfaction becomes more leverage.

Referred back like a virgin again is not in the real sense. How can any virgin or virgin membrane was torn on the first night "No way restored. Only after there seemed vaginoplasti sensation when first before giving birth." Just like the first night deh "

When vaqina feels loose, it's hard to make couples reach climax during intercourse. No doubt to make his wife feel inferior, less confident. And the husband? Being disappointed, angry, finally 'snack' or even lead to divorce.

Vaginoplasti addition, other methods can also make over this female sex organs for the better. That is the way hymenoplasti, laser, and ozonation Like what?

It is said to make over the vagina into "virgin" again. This is usually performed on women who have never given birth but her hymen was torn. For example a result of rape, accidents and so on. Make over again this hymen sepirti sew the torn fabric was only local anesthesia only.

Then sewn without the addition of silicon as in breast augmentation surgery. The process takes about 1-2 hours. After that, patients are allowed to go home with the status of 'Virgin' again.

You can do the activity as usual. It's just for 2 weeks forbidden intercourse before or strenuous exercise. But consuming prescription drugs dokter.untuk accelerate recovery and prevent infection.

Women who had never given birth anatomic changes. As more and contain body shape, wide hips, Diding vagina loosened, it is difficult to control bowel movements kemih.Mengapa loose? Because the building support structures such as muscles and tone the vagina weakens and he enlarged the internal and external meters. These changes are directly or indirectly affect sexual pleasure.

To overcome this need peremejaan vagina with Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation technique. This tool is designed to to improve tone, strength and control effectively the vagina. This procedure also will decrease the internal and external vaginal diameters as well as strengthen the perineum. LVR also intended to deal with stress urinary incontinence (difficulty controlling urination) As the name implies this is done using laser surgery. Carried out for 1 hour and only spend a little blood.

Ozonation VAGINA
In addition to surgery to fix, sex organs in order to feel more abrasive, loud no other way. Among them are cleaning the vagina by a specialist. In addition, there is now also "ozomisasi vagina" What is the doctor's action, the process by cleaning the outside of the vagina using an antiseptic liquid. Spraying the inside of the vagina with antiseptic solution

Using a special spraying equipment so that spraying can go into the vagina. Then do the spraying by using antibacterial and antifungus. Next spraying deodorant for vagina smells good. Last vagina will be sprayed with ozone (steam). This vagina spray process takes approximately 15 minutes

What is hymen, Function and defloration

What is hymen
The hymen is part of the reproductive system of a woman. It is a tissue that either completely or partially obstructs the opening of the vagina. It is named after the Greek god Hymenaeus - the God of weddings and marriage. It is also referred as the maidenhead.

Function of hymen
The hymen is found as a perforated or septate membranous ring around the vaginal opening or may be found blocking the opening. The hymen basically has no anatomical function in the human body. However, there is an age-old tradition that the intact hymen is proof of virginity in the woman. However, modern science now knows that this is an erroneous fact

Hymen defloration
The reason the hymen was considered a guarantee of the real virginity of a woman was that it was thought that it was the first hymen defloration that would cause this membrane to tear and thus bleed. However, it is known that this is not true as the normal hymen does not actually completely cover the vaginal opening and thus has an opening in it. Moreover, the bleeding that is associated with hymen defloration may be from not only tearing of the hymen, but also because of injury to nearby tissues. Many teen's heymen defloration happened before first intercourse

The tearing of the hymen is medically called a transection that is basically caused by trauma associated with penetration. The insertion of a tampon and masturbation are not strong enough to cause trauma to the hymen. Transections are not caused by straddle injuries, horseback riding, gymnastics or bicycling as they do not penetrate the hymen. Today, you can find many surgeons who can restore a woman's hymen surgically for those women who consider the hymen being intact an indicator of a woman's hymen is not deflorated. Women who are to be married, and wish to have met the expectations of their culture usually resort to this operation.

broken hymen is not a sign of virginity
This proves that an intact hymen is not reliable in indicating virginity in a woman. However, as some cultures still believe this, and are ignorant to scientific knowledge, tend to test a woman's virginity with the presence or absence of bloodspots on the bed linen after the first night. This proves to be a serious problem to such women as the women who do not bleed can become victims of honor crimes for having harmed the honor of the family. In some castes, death is the punishment for an honor crime. Different women have different sized hymen. Some women have a closed hymen and there are some women with no hymen at all. With a closed hymen, the gynecologist has to perform a hymenotomy to permit menstruation and to prevent any pain during intercourse.

The baby girl fetus has no opening to the vagina in early fetal development; however, the tissue that covers the vagina divides before birth to form the hymen. Sometimes, the tissue divides completely and such girls don't have a hymen. The woman's hymen has a slang term; cherry. And the loss of the virginity of a woman is described using the phrase, 'popping her cherry'. The reason the cherry may have been used to describe the hymen is because it has a bright red color and juice that is similar to the color of blood that is similar to the woman bleeding during first time intercourse.

Restoring your Virginity - For him and for yourself

Restoring your Virginity - For him and for yourself
The virginity of a woman is valued for religious, social, and even economic reasons. Hymen gets disrupted after the first intercourse or even after strenuous physical activity or tampon use. Anyway, you wouldn't want your boyfriend / future husband feel ashamed because your hymen no longer existed.

Many woman would like to restore hymen which represent their virginity. The following hymen picture show different kind of hymen. The last hymen picture shows how a hymen looks like after hymen reconstruction

Type of Hymen Repair
Hymen repair, hymen reconstruction, hymen surgery, Hymenoplasty or revirgination refer to the comestic surgery that restore your hymen. Hymenoplasty is a simple procedure that repair torn hymen. There are two most popular type of Hymenoplasty

Simple Hymenoplasty: Doctor will piecing together the remnant by closing the tear. It is a simple procedure and could be in three to seven day. The hymen tissue is pulled together so vagina will again cover by it. The risk of fever and infection is low since hymen is relatively avascular. However, the result is not meant to last long so it is best to perform in less than a month before your next intercourse.

Alloplant: If you hymen can't not be restore, a Tear-through biomaterial will be insert and act as your hymen. Hymen implant is an easy procedure than can be done under local anesthetic and as a day case surgery. It takes less than two hour and patient can return to work the next day. It is not easy to notice it is not a real hymen.

Price of Hymen repair
Many surgeon offer Hymenoplasty. It could be done in local anesthetic and require no hospitalization. Depend on the location and surgeon, it could cost as little as $1,800 to $5,000.

Here is some information of the cost of hymen repair i found on the web

Hymenoplasty Cost:
Depending on your geographic location and choice of surgeon the price may range between $2500 - $4500.

Hymen Repair Surgery in Argentina , 9 nights - Cristal Palace Hotel accommodations and Billingual Assistant + Transportation has a price of USD 2435.

Hymen repair surgery with all anesthesia services, facility fees, and postoperative visits cost you $3900.

History of Hymen repair
In some cultures, women's hymen can affect her marriage prospects, her family's reputation, and even her very life. The virginity of the bride is valued for religious, social, and even economic reasons. In many Mediterranean and African cultures, the husband's family may take revenge through violent punishments and banishment of the bride because the "non-virgin" bride "shamed" them. Clearly, those who seek Hymenoplasty believe that the procedure is necessary for their social status, happiness, and even preservation of life.

Where is Hymen located
Where many people believe hymen is inside the vigina, it is located outside of the vagina. Hymen is part of vulva, which is an external genital organ. Hymen is a thin layer of tissue that is easy to break. Some woman breaks their hymen during their first intercourse where other had their hymen broken during sport or other activity.

Imperforate hymen
Imperforate hymen is at the extreme of a spectrum of variations in hymenal configuration. Variations in the embryologic development of the hymen are common and result in fenestrations, septa, bands, microperforations, anterior displacement, and differences in rigidity and/or elasticity of the hymenal tissue.

Hymenoplasty, Can Restore Virginity?

Hymenoplasty, Can Restore Virginity?

Hymen is not an absolute indicator of a girl's virginity. The hymen could have been torn but the girl was a virgin, or vice versa, the hymen is not torn when the girl was not a virgin. This can happen because the definition of "not virgin" is ever had sexual intercourse with the opposite sex, no matter whether or not her hymen torn.

Hymen is a layer of mucous that surrounds or covers part of the mouth of the vagina. Layers, as well as vaginal mucosa, it also has blood vessels and nerve vessels. Therefore, in tears to the Hymen often accompanied by bleeding and pain.

By the time a new girl enters school age, the hymen is still thin and almost translucent. Therefore, at this age, the hymen is more prone to tears, mainly due to sports such as horse riding, cycling, or gymnastics.

After puberty, due to the influence of estrogen, Hymen will be slightly thickened and colored pink. But keep in mind that the thickness, shape, and elasticity Hymen vary in every woman.

Recently developed surgical technique to repair Hymen who already torn. Whether by accident or because of sexual relations. The surgical technique is called hymenoplasty.

The aim is to restore Hymen hymenoplasty like state before the occurrence of tears. Usually done for reasons of morals, culture or social.

Hymenoplasty including minor surgery. Usually performed under local anesthesia or sedation. Technique of operation there are two kinds: simple and alloplant hymenoplasty.

Simple hymenoplasty performed if the hymen tear and still only have any left. In part that ripped, do sutures, usually with a yarn that can be absorbed, so the hymen back to its original shape.

However, if the hymen has been severely damaged or lost so it is not possible anymore sewn, operating with alloplant technique. In alloplant, conducted the installation of artificial hymen.

Next there are the questions. Is a person who has undergone surgery hymenoplasty a virgin again? The answer is, if we refer to the definition of "not virgin" at the beginning of this paper, hymenoplasty not restore virginity.

Hymenoplasty or hymen repair cosmetic surgery

Hymen reconstruction, bringing to pre-sexual state

Hymenoplasty is one of the three major areas of cosmetic vaginal surgeries.
The procedure aims to correct dysfunctions and improve the woman`s hidden aesthetics.

The way a woman feels about the look and sensation in her vagina and pubic areas has a major impact on her self-esteem, her sexual desire, and her intimate relationship.

There are three major areas of Cosmetic Vaginal Surgeries, aimed to rejuvenate a woman’s sexual feeling:
• Hymenoplasty (hymen reconstruction, “bringing back to virginity”)
• Vaginal reconstruction and rejuvenation (vaginoplasty, mainly vaginal tightening)
• Labia surgery (labiaplasty, labia reduction and look improvement, correcting the size and shape of the inner and outer lips)

Hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to repair or reconstruct the ring-like skin membrane partially covering the opening of the vagina (the “hymen”). Bleeding occurs when the hymen tears, which is typically the result of a woman’s first experience with intercourse. The Hymenoplasty surgery will pull the tissue back together to restore a “virgin-like” quality.

Quite rarely, a female can unknowingly tear her hymen by inserting a tampon. It may also happen during sports (e.g. - bicycles or horseback riding).

The biological function of the hymen is still uncertain, however, its social function is popularly regarded as a mythical symbol in many cultures. Therefore, qualified plastic surgeons perform Hymenoplasty at the request of women who need the surgery for ethnic, cultural, or religious reasons.

There is a growing number of patients who desire higher sexual satisfaction by undergoing the Hymenoplasty procedure, not for religious or similar reasons, but because the vaginal walls are tightened.

Hymenoplasty generally takes about one to two hours, with patients able to return to work the next day. Restoration of the hymen is done on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia or sedation. Prior to surgery, patients are required to have a pre-surgical consultation and thorough gynecological examination. During this time, she should communicate her needs and expectations to the doctor, and in turn, will learn of the possible risks and benefits to hymenoplasty.

Vaginal physiological state significantly affects a woman’s physiological state. Structure reconstruction of the vagina may well bring back the younger feel, and contribute the sexual life and self esteem improvement a woman is looking for.

Some surgeons perform procedures involving laser surgery, where others use methods such as radio surgical techniques or scalpel techniques.

Depending on the choice of doctor and geographic location Hymenoplasty prices may range between $2,000 and $5,000.

Your doctor / surgeon will explain how long the surgery will take, the amount of time and care necessary for a full recovery, and exactly when after surgery it would be safe to resume sexual intercourse.

Hymenoplasty Related Terms:
Body Procedures, Cosmetic Surgery, Labiaplasty, Plastic Surgery, Skin Procedures, Surgeon, Vaginal Rejuvenation, Vaginal Surgery, Vaginaplasty, Vaginoplasty, Vulva Surgery

Hymenoplasty: Reconstruction of hymen - "Bringing back to virginity"

Hymen or also known as the hymen is a thin layer / mucous that surrounds or covers part of the mouth of the vagina. Many who thought that the hymen is in the vagina. Not! hymen located on the outside of the vagina near (1-2 cm) from the pubic lips. The hymen is a thin layer and is easy to experience the tears. Layers, as well as vaginal mucosa, it also has blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, in tears to the hymen is often accompanied by bleeding and pain.

The hymen should not be thought of as a total membrane covering the vagina, but it is a membrane that is shaped like a ring that has a hole in the middle. The point is to drain the menstrual blood from the womb. It's just a big hole and its shape can vary, there is a crescent-like or like a sieve. In the event of disruption to grow flowers genital abnormalities are occasionally found in which the membranes such as walls that cover the total vagina is also called imperforate Hymen which will lead to menstrual disorders during puberty behind.

In children, the hymen is still thin and almost translucent. then, in children, the hymen is more prone to tears, mainly due to sports such as horse riding, cycling, or gymnastics.

After puberty, due to the influence of estrogen hormones, the hymen will be slightly thickened and colored pink. Usually at first intercourse hymen will have tears. But keep in mind that the thickness, shape, and elasticity Hymen vary in every woman.

Recently developed surgical technique to repair the hymen is already torn. Whether by accident or because of sexual relations. The surgical technique is called hymenoplasty.

Hymenoplasty goal is to restore the hymen, such as a state before the occurrence of tears. Usually done for reasons of morals, culture or social.

Hymenoplasty including minor surgery. Generally it can be done in about an hour, depending on the level of kesulitannya.Biasanya performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia when necessary and can be performed as an outpatient / day care.

Dr. Prima Progestian, SpOG of the UB Women and Children Hospital in Jakarta, suggests there are two kinds of operating techniques hymenoplasty, which simple and alloplant hymenoplasty. Simple hymenoplasty performed if the hymen tear and still only have any left. In the torn part, done sewing (reaproksimasi), usually with a yarn that can be absorbed, so the hymen back to its original shape. However, if the hymen has been severely damaged or lost so it is not possible anymore sewn, operating with alloplant technique. In alloplant, conducted the installation of artificial hymen.

Before surgery patients and prenatal consultations in general. At this time can be a discussion about the benefits and risks that can be experienced during surgery. Healing can take place within 1 to 6 weeks and the time having sex be done within 4-6 weeks after surgery.

Hymenoplasty Surgery In India

What is a hymenoplasty?

A hymenoplasty is a surgical procedure in which a woman's hymen is reconstructed. The hymen is a thin membrane that partially blocks the vaginal entrance. An intact hymen is associated with virginity, since if it is intact when a women first has intercourse, it will tear and sometimes bleed. However, the hymen can be torn under other circumstances, including exercise, tampon use, and horseback riding...

Who is a candidate for hymenoplasty?

Hymenoplasties are most often performed for religious, societal or cultural regions. In some cultures, women can actually find their lives in danger if they are found not to have an intact hymen on their wedding night, regardless of how the hymen was initially ruptured. For these women, a hymenoplasty is more than a simple cosmetic procedure...

The Procedure

You should expect some swelling and discomfort following the procedure. Following discharge from hospital you will be taken back home if you live locally, or your hotel to begin your recovery period. You will have sutures that may need to be removed if they are not dissolvable. Your surgeon will advise you about this also. Most patients notice a significant improvement in the bruising and swelling after the first two weeks but it can take some time for everything to settle completely. You will want to book about 1 to 2 weeks off work...

How long is the recovery time?

The surgical procedure for a hymenoplasty is relatively simple. It can be performed under local anesthetic with no hospitalization, and you can return to most of your regular activities the next day. Your doctor uses dissolvable stitches in the reconstruction process, and the risk of infection or fever is minimal...

Duration of Results

The results are permanent. The hymen is reconstructed to its original state before tearing, creating the ‘Born Again Virgin’...

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Pankaj Nagpal -
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Tes Perawan atau Tidak

Tes Perawan atau Tidak

Saya mau tanya dok, apakah bisa memeriksa seseorang itu masih perawan/tidak melalui dokter kulit & kelamin? Berhubung saya pernah melakukan ML tapi saat saya kesakitan pacar saya langsung mengeluarkan alat kelaminnya dari vagina saya. Thanks.

Memeriksakan seorang gadis masih perawan atau tidak bisa kedokter, tapi tidak semua dokter akan paham masalah ini. Ke dokter khusus yang menangani masalah seksual dan wanita adalah yang paling tepat.


What do you think about hymenoplasty or hymenorrhaphy?

Quick Wikipedia definition...

"Hymenorrhaphy or hymen reconstruction surgery is the surgical restoration of the hymen.[1] The term comes from the Greek words hymen meaning membrane, and raphe meaning suture. It is also known as hymenoplasty, although strictly this term would also include hymenotomy.

Such procedures are not generally regarded as part of mainstream gynecology, but are available from some plastic surgery centres, particularly in the USA, Japan and Western Europe, generally as day surgery. The normal aim is to cause bleeding during post-nuptial intercourse, which in some cultures is a considered proof of virginity."

Did you give anyone any gift certificates for hymen reconstruction surgery last Christmas? Would Christmas be the wrong holiday to give such gifts?

What is this all about, "If you break it you have to buy it"? Is that it?
If she comes from a culture or religion where the alternative to hymenorrhapy is being beaten by her husband or even worse, I think it's the lesser of the two evils. In some cultures, the hymen remains a critical matter to the spouse, regrettably, so for all too many women, this procedure may, indeed, be life saving.
Why are women so hostile towards each other?
So we had this cute new girl join our firm this past month. I and the other guys have noticed a lot of hostility towards her by the other girls in the office. When we go out to lunch, she eats with us, 3 or 4 guys, instead of the other girls. She's also been rudely cut off while speaking by the other women during meetings. They go out of their way to make her feel unwelcome. I don't get why women are so threatened by a pretty, smart girl in the workplace of all places ? I mean its not like we're banging each other that the girls should be defending their turf or something. I don't get it
I didn't even bleed and I was definitely a virgin, so if any guy was that bent on it I'd be inclined to tell him to kick rocks.

But eh, if I end up single again and some guy wants to pretend or actually believe I'm a virgin at my age, I'd humor him. Why not? =o)

Seems more like an Easter or Valentine's Day gift to me. Don't ask me why.
I don't understand why anyone would want to be a virgin again. I mean, technically, what's done is done. I really don't see the point in doing that to make yourself seem "pure" again.

Yeah - I don't think I'd get many thank yous if I gave a GC for hymen reconstruction. I think I'd be shown the door.
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Virginitas dan Operasi Hymenoplasty

Virginitas dan Operasi Hymenoplasty

Labiaplasty Related Terms:
Body Procedures, Cosmetic Surgery, Hymenoplasty, Labia Majora, Labia Minora, Labial Reduction, Labiaplasty, Plastic Surgery, Skin Procedures, Surgeon, Vaginal Rejuvenation, Vaginal Surgery, Vaginaplasty, Vaginoplasty, Vulva Surgery

Dok. Saya indy. Ingin konsultasi mengenai masalah sahabat saya sebut saja 'N'. N bercerita tentang masa lalu kelamnya yang direnggut keperawannya berkali kali oleh pamannya saat umurnya 8 tahun. Hubungan itu berkali-kali dilakukan selama kurang lebih 7 bulan (10-15 kali hubungan).

Tetapi N merasa tidak pernah mengeluarkan darah. Karena sewaktu kecil N tidak tahu mengenai keperawanan maka dia tidak memperhatikannya N juga tidak merasa sakit.. Hanya saja saat beranjak dewasa pernah beberapa saat dia merasa sakit dan timbul benjolan seperti bisul di bibir V, tetapi benjolan itu sudah tidak ada..

Pertanyaan saya, apakah N masih virgin?

Apakah ada kemungkinan selaput darahnya menutup kembali setelah selang waktu 10tahun? Bagaimana cara mengetahui virgin/tidak seseorang? Apakah akan ada resiko terserang penyakit? (kanker rahim, tidak bisa punya anak) Jika N sudah tidak virgin, adakah cara untuk membuat kevirginannya kembali selain melakukan operasi V? Jika harus melakukan operasi, apa resiko yang akan dihadapi dan berapa biayanya?

Saat ini N berumur 18 tahun, keluarganya tidak mengetahui kejadian ini hingga saat ini. Saya hanya mencoba untuk membantu permasalahannya.



Tidak ada cara lain untuk mengetahuinya adalah dengan diperiksa. Saya anjurkan untuk datang ketempat saya untuk kita lihat apakah selaput daranya masih utuh atau sudah robek,apapun yang terjadi pasti bisa kita cari solusinya. Selaput dara yang sudah robek tidak bisa kembali lagi walaupun bertahun tahun didiamkan, satu-satunya cara ya dengan hymenoplasty. Nah kalau kemungkinan tertular penyakit kelamin ya tentu saja bisa kalau yang melakukannya waktu itu memang berpenyakit kelamin. Coba tenang dan jangan khawatir ya....segera deh hubungi saya ok..


[Kirimkan pertanyaan Anda ke: konsultasisex@imt.co.id]

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