Hymenoplasty, Can Restore Virginity?

Hymenoplasty, Can Restore Virginity?

Hymen or hymen is not an absolute indicator of a girl's virginity. The hymen can be torn, but the girl was a virgin, or vice versa, the hymen is not torn when the girl was not a virgin. This can happen because the definition of "not virgin" is ever had sexual intercourse with the opposite sex, no matter if her hymen was torn or not.

Hymen is a mucosal lining that surrounds or partially covers the mouth of the vagina. These layers are, as vaginal mucosa, also has blood vessels and nerve vessels. Therefore, a tear in the hymen is often followed by bleeding and pain.

By the time a new girl enters school age, the hymen is still thin and almost translucent. Therefore, at this age, the hymen is more prone to tears, mainly due to sports such as horse riding, cycling, or gymnastics.

After puberty, due to the influence of estrogen, Hymen will be slightly thickened and pink. But keep in mind that the thickness, shape, and elasticity of the hymen varies in every woman.

More recently developed surgical techniques to repair the already torn hymen. Whether by accident or because of sexual relationships. Hymenoplasty surgery technique is called.

Hymenoplasty goal is to restore the hymen as it was before the tear. Usually done for reasons of moral, cultural or social.

Hymenoplasty including minor surgery. Usually performed under local anesthesia or sedation. Mechanical operations are of two kinds, namely simple and alloplant Hymenoplasty.

Simple Hymenoplasty done if only suffered a torn hymen and there are still remaining. In the torn part, infibulation is performed, usually with a yarn that can be absorbed, so the hymen back to its original shape.

However, if the hymen has been severely damaged or lost so it is no longer possible sewn, with engineering operations alloplant. In alloplant, conducted the installation of artificial hymen.

The next question arises. Is a person who has undergone surgery Hymenoplasty be virgins again? The answer is, if we refer to the definition of "not virgin" at the beginning of this paper, Hymenoplasty not restore virginity.

2 Response to "Hymenoplasty, Can Restore Virginity?"

  1. Unknown says:

    Hymenoplasty , also called revirgination, hymen repair or hymenorrhaphy, is a cosmetic surgery conducted to repair or rebuilt a hymen. The two most common types of procedure used in Hymenoplasty is simple Hymenoplasty or Alloplant.

    Unknown says:

    Nice Post,hymenoplasty as a surgical procedure designed to repair and reconstruct the hymen.
    Hymenoplasty Philippines

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