Hymen is a mucosal lining that surrounds or partially covers the mouth of the vagina. These layers are, as vaginal mucosa, also has blood vessels and nerve vessels. Therefore, a tear in the hymen is often followed by bleeding and pain.

By the time a new girl enters school age, the hymen is still thin and almost translucent. Therefore, at this age, the hymen is more prone to tears, mainly due to sports such as horse riding, cycling, or gymnastics. After puberty, due to the influence of estrogen, Hymen will be slightly thickened and pink. But keep in mind that the thickness, shape, and elasticity of the hymen varies in every woman.

In some newspapers, magazines, internet, radio in the United States and Europe, in recent years raised the "boom" hymen repair action or "Hymenoplasty" (if this term is converted himenoplasti). Or also known as the "hymen rejuvenation" or "revirgination". This action usually plural performed by the women from the Middle East and Latin America because of social customs and culture that emphasizes the importance of virginity when entering the world of marriage.

Himenoplasti increasing trend in women in France, Germany, Canada including the United States delivered by Esmeralda Vanegas, owner of the Ridgewood Health and Beauty Center in New York, that "Demand himenoplasti increased to five patients each bulannya.Hymenoplasty done to please a husband or partner because knowing that her partner wanted to make out with a virgin "said Cuban-born woman. In the United States, some women do revirginasi as a way to improve sexual life, felt a "second honeymoon" and even given as gifts valentine day gift for her husband and partner!

Jeanette Yarborough, a nurse from San Antonio, Texas, United States, said that he did Hymenoplasty, as a special gift for her husband on the 16th wedding anniversary. "I'm no longer a virgin when she got married and I do not think there's nothing better than revirginasi" said The 40-year-old mother told the AFP news agency. I want memberikah a sentimental gift and it turned out her husband was so touched!

In some tribes, women's hymen can affect marriage prospects, the reputation of their families or even someone's life. Virginity at marriage is worth the religious, social and even ekonomi.Di many Mediterranean and African cultures, the family man is violent revenge and punishment for the bride who is not a virgin who had humiliated their families. So Hymenoplasty considered a "necessity" for social status, happiness and even saving their lives.

How about Hymenoplasty in Indonesia? Socio-cultural issues still dominate the desire to revirginasi. In fact his actions are not only related to "repair" the hymen, but also the overall female genitalia.

Medically a woman can be taken on genital reconstruction when the physical have a complaint, such as small genital lips (labia minora) are very prominent, causing injury and pain during dressing, the presence of congenital abnormalities of the genitals or the emergence of a complaint to defecate or urinate . Hymenoplasty is one of the reconstruction action in female genitalia. Medically, there is some kind of genital reconstruction, among others: vaginoplasty performed on women who have congenital abnormalities which do not have a vaginal opening, thus requiring a "hole" to get in touch with her husband made when they wanted to get married. There is also action to shrink the genital lips (labia majora or labia minora) or Labiaplasty performed on women who feel pain or irritation due to excessive growth of pubic lips.

More recently developed surgical techniques to repair the already torn hymen. Whether by accident or because of sexual relationships. Hymenoplasty surgery technique is called. Hymenoplasty goal is to restore the hymen as it was before the tear. Usually done for reasons of morals, culture or sosialHymenoplasty including minor surgery. Usually performed under local anesthesia or. sedation. Mechanical operations are of two kinds, namely simple and alloplant Hymenoplasty.

Simple Hymenoplasty done if only suffered a torn hymen and there are still remaining. In the torn part, infibulation is performed, usually with a yarn that can be absorbed, so the hymen back to its original shape. However, if the hymen has been severely damaged or lost so it is no longer possible sewn, with engineering operations alloplant. In alloplant, conducted the installation of artificial hymen.

Done tightening of the vaginal cavity or the front or back causing problems urinating or defecating because of prolapse of the bladder or rectum into the vagina (cystocele or rektokel). Vaginoplasty or automatic kolporafi action will strengthen the pelvic muscles and vagina becomes narrower. So the end result which has resulted in more harmonious relationships and sexual pleasure is a "side effect" arising from genital reconstruction efforts due to medical factors. Nevertheless rejuvenation action sex organs of non-medical indications to improve the confidence and there is no ban cosmetics done. The act of reconstruction, renovation or rejuvenation as Hymenoplasty, Vaginoplasty, clitoral hood reduction (clitoroplexy) can be either local or general anesthesia and requires no hospitalization.

Hymenoplasty In Indonesia ID, Indonesia Body Procedures, Indonesia Cosmetic Surgery, Indonesia Labiaplasty, Indonesia Plastic Surgery, Indonesia Skin Procedures, Indonesia Surgeon, Indonesia Vaginal Rejuvenation, Indonesia Vaginal Surgery, Indonesia Vaginaplasty, Indonesia Vaginoplasty, Indonesia Vulva Surgery

1 Response to "HIMENOPLASTY (REPAIR membrane Hymen)"

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